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"We underestimate the importance of balance

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"We underestimate the importance of balance. When it's there, we're at peace. When something is off, everything falls. Ninjago is no different. It put to much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return, and because of your friends, now the world is without power. When one relies on something too much, we become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced. In order to find you're true potential and unlock your true power, you must find your own balance." Garmadon explained with a wise tone.

Lacey rolled her eyes, she smiles as the Falcon lands on her arm. She glanced at her boyfriend who was holding so many rocks, but Garmadon kept adding more. Ouch, that must have been heavy.

The trio were on a small mountain as Garmadon taught them the 'importance of power.' He was explaining the Golden power to the couple as he added more rocks to the pile his son was already carrying.

"I'm already one of the Golden Ninjas, how much more power do I need?" Lloyd asks as he grunts, struggling to hold all the rocks on his back.

"You've only scratched the surface! You have the potential to move mountains. Power of the First Spinjitzu Master." Garmadon told him, giving him a stern look.

Lacey sniggered.

Garmadon then turns to her, giving her a stern look a father would give his daughter, the almost same look Sensai Wu would give her. "Both of you," He adds. "You have the power and blood of the Night line running through you, you not only have the power of the First Spinjitzu Master's soulmate but also of the Night line. Making you the most powerful sorceress and only sorceress in Ninjago." He told her, raising an eyebrow at her amusement. He didn't seem so amused.

Lacey sighs, not laughing anymore. "And? It's not that important, I mean, we already have the power of the Golden Dragon. How much more do we really need?" She said frowning.

"A lot," Garmadon answers firmly.

"The Ninja destroyed the power substation, essentially destroying the Overlord and his Nindroids. Why can't we go back?" Lloyd questions, bemused. He looks up at his father with a questioning gaze.

"Essentially? Until the Overlord is fully erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward." Garmadon said as he adds another big rock to the pile that Lloyd was already carrying.

The Falcon screeched and flew up and away, presumably to the Ninja. Lacey smiles as she watches him go, she turns back to the garmadon boys and winces.

Lloyd grunts and falls, causing all the rocks to fall onto him.

"Lloyd!" Lacey exclaimed "You okay?" She asks worried.

"Perfectly peachy fine." He breathes out, grunting as he pushed the rocks off of him.

"If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to move over mountains." Garmadon says as he jumps to where his son stood.

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