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Zane's eyes snap open, he walks forward, but falls into a cave, where he whimpers out of fear, looking around

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Zane's eyes snap open, he walks forward, but falls into a cave, where he whimpers out of fear, looking around. The cave was dark, surrounded by greasy walls and no light.

"Zane? Are you still there?" Pixal calls out. Zane looks to see where the voice is coming from but sees his Falcon. "If you can hear me, wake up. You need to wake up." She calls out urgently.

Zane then wakes up, chained to a wall, revealing it's just a dream. "It was only a dream." He mutters to himself, breathing heavily. The room he was in was dungeon like, a cave most likely with bars on the window, near the door.

"It's amazing you dream. I've always wondered what it's like. You've always been special." Pixal tells him from the other room, separated by a wall and window with metal bars on them.

Zane looks confused, looking around. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"I'm P.I.X.A.L., a friend. And you're in danger and have to get out of here. Your memory drive is out of sorts and your Elemental Power-"

Zane frowns. "Elemental Power?"

Pixal sighs. "You're a Nindroid, Zane, a ninja. And your friends are here to save you. But they can't do it all. You have to remember who you are."

"Friends?" He mutters.

"Remember, Zane. You saved your friends and then rebuilt yourself. There are things about you that you don't understand. That you have yet to discover. But if we're ever going to get out of here, you have to remember."

"P.I.X.A.L. We are compatible?"

"Yes, Zane. Yes, we are." A smiling tone to her voice.

- Samurai X Cave -

The glow of the cave was blue, the pathway lit up with all sort of gadgets and vehicles, all set up on pods. The computers and built in screen was all up ahead.

The cave was impressive, large and regal, with different technologies and trinkets all around.

Nya sighs as she's under the Bounty's technical area with Wu sitting next to her, handing her a bunch of tools when needed. "Sure, Jay's cute and funny, and I'm always laughing around him, but everything's about him, and he never takes me seriously. More light, please." She says, rebuilding the Destiny's Bounty.

It had been nearly a year or two since they last saw the old gal, being destroyed by the Overlord the first time. The bounty was covered by a large red curtain, hiding it.

Wu wakes up from where he was taking a quick nap and turns the flashlight on. "Right. He never takes you seriously." He mutters, not really paying attention, he shakes his head.

Nya doesn't seem to notice and continues on. "Then there's Cole. He's handsome, and I suppose I connect with him on a deeper level, but everything's so serious with him, you know what I mean? Socket wrench." She states.

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