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It has been about two weeks since Harry and Zayn talked, and half of the time period was because Harry and Zayn's sister went on a trip to Milan for fashion week, but the week after that was because Zayn blocked Harry's number and left every time Harry was around.

  Zayn was not at all taking what happened well, he hardly slept because the events that happened kept him up. He had so much confusion in his mind, yet it should've been really clear. In fact to anyone else it would've been clear but Zayn tried as hard as he could to make his true feelings as blurry as possible.

  " Its the only way to live, babe..Ugh the sooner we move in the better!" Layla exasperated her blue jeans clinging to her thick legs and her heels clicking against the tiled floor of the house her and Zayn were looking at.

  The bald Realtor with thin glasses smiled a wide crooked smile when Zayn arrived in the kitchen holding a bottle of formula to his sons lips.

  "Are you sure I mean this means we'll have to reschedule our wedding to next year." Zayn says quietly, his head swiveling around the expensive looking kitchen. The black and shiny wooded cabinets impressing him.

  "aah yes Zayn, its worth it I mean we're already legally married." Layla reminds him.

Zayn rolled his eyes, at the memory of taking her to the courthouse on there 1 year anniversary, convincing her to marry him, right then and there. That seemed to be a good memory to focus on..a very good heterosexual memory.

  "So what does the man of the house say. should I get a pen?" The shiny headed man asked, his smile starting to really annoy the hell out of Zayn. 

But any and everything has been annoying Zayn, he just really felt like he had no control over his life at the moment.

  "i don't know we'll think about it." Zayn says with his normal..introverted shy behavior. The look on Layla's face was complete dismay, she was use to changing Zayns mind though.

 "excuse us a moment Monte." Layla smiles out , in a let me handle this type way.

The bald headed man walked away with his tight suit and arrogant smile, and as soon as he left Layla scattered over to Zayn and their son with a look that read this can make or break our marriage.

  "Zayn, we have been waiting for this forever, do you understand how hard it is to tell my mother I live in a apartment." zayn's mind was spaced out he was still thinking about what happened with Harry, and he only caught the last few words of what Layla spoke.

  "I am a independent woman Zayn, and independent women, have needs that need to be fulfilled whether or not they have a husband to aid them in fulfilling them." zayn heard that loud and clear, and he felt his shoulders shrug.

  What she just said is something Zayn's mother always reminded him. Layla only met Zayn's mother once, but she never was shy about using her phrases.

"Layla, the money is not there and you know it." Zayn says through his teeth a bit of anger he had for Harry splashing against the back of his teeth.

  " Um well ask Harry for money...you know for sure he'll help..I mean the man owes us." That was all Zayn needed to turn and walk away from Layla, but like always he stayed and just argued with himself for not putting her in her place.

  " I will never ask another man to help me support my family..." Zayn says simply before readjusting Rome in his arms once again so he could discard the now empty bottle.

  " Oh god...Zayn keep it up and we won't have a family...can't you just cooperate." Layla always said things like this..to her they were petty threats, but to Zayn..they were things he couldn't bare to imagine coming true.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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