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  " I'm just sick of having to finish second, why are we looked at as middle class when your sister lives in a fucking mansion Zayn its not fair." Layla cries out, its about 9:30 at night and Zayn was laying on his bed waiting for the text from his younger brother.

  "Here we go, you're looking at me like I'm ungrateful, Zayn I'm not, I love our 1000 dollar a month condo, but its not a house, and when I buy something nice for once something nicer than her, she wants to stop me." At this point Zayn was itching to get out of the house.

  "Zayn! Listen." She yells before wiping her eyes and Zayn sits up straight, giving her complete eye contact.

  "I'm listening, babe, you know I always do." Zayn stood up and wrapped his arms around her hips, Layla put her head in the nook of his neck and cried some more.

    " I don't think you do, because you just keep on taking her side." Zayn struggled with not pushing her away and rolling his eyes, so he just held her a bit tighter and rocked back and forth on his heels hoping for some sort of earthquake to separate the two of them without feelings being hurt.

  " Look, I am going to use the bathroom get dressed for bed and we'll talk in a sec." Layla says, as she pulls away and pushes her long dark hair out of her beautiful face, Zayn almost nodded and did what she said but there was a knock on the door.

  This was kind of off putting to Zayn because lately a knock on the door has been borderline bad news for his heterosexual adulthood.

  "Who's here this late at night.?" Layla groans before gracefully stalking to their small bathroom.

  "I don't know I'll go check." Zayn assures, happy to get away from his emotionally wrecked wife at the moment.

  This was not at all something Zayn felt like he had the right to be annoyed with, because he knew what he was getting himself into when it came to marrying Layla brooks the 19 year old pre-Madonna told him she was high maintenance and attention needed to be spent on her...lots of it.

  Zayn swung the door open, his hand gripping the door knob even tighter to erase his previous movement of opening the door when he see's Harry looking sleeker than ever. Harry's hair was wild and long as usual, but his jeans were darker than normal, tighter than normal and they made Zayn's dick twitch in a way he was so familiar with he almost fainted.

  " Um lets go dick head." Harry says with a smile. Knowing that Zayn was checking him out.

  Zayn felt Harry's hand yank him out of his apartment, and he was too dazed to pull away.

  "H-harry uh/ wait, I'm not going anywhere with you." Zayn yells as they find their way into the elevator.

  "I know babe, you're going with Jordin, Mikey and I" Zayn looked at Harry strange.

 "Mikey? you mean Micheal?" Harry smiled as the elevator came to a stop on the first floor of Zayn's apartment building.

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