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  It was the weekend and unlike the middle of the week, Zayn had nothing to do. Layla went out with Miya to buy gifts for the twins birthday, which was just around the corner and Harry was on his way with the twins..so that the both of them could watch the children, but like any other time Harry was once again running late..and Rome was sitting in his play pen playing by himself.

   So Zayn sat on the couch and forced himself  to read the brown notebook that once lay in his office two rooms away, after he read entry number 78 or the nasty entry is what he liked to call it he has only been more tempted to read on.

  He had been watching Rome all day and he has been more that fussy, so Zayn was already tired out..he loved his son, but he was happy for Rome to be out of his hair for the time being. He sighed as he read the last few words of entry number 32 and couldn't help the way he felt half asleep

   " Room service." Zayn hears his niece and nephew scream outside his front door, he chuckled at the knowing feeling that Harry planned this little entrance with them.

  "Awww, that's okay, I didn't order any room service." zayn responds in an exaggerated posh accent as he made his way to the door opening it.

  "No uncle Zee its us!" Jade giggles, before charging into the house her rain boots tracking water throughout the new flooring, but Zayn could care less, because Harry had Chipotle in his hands.

  "Sooo that's why you were late?" Zayn questioned before smiling and grabbing the take out bag from his curly haired friend's hand.

  "Nothing but the favorite for my favorite." Zayn couldn't take anything Harry said the way he use to after reading what he read, so instead of responding with his classic that was inappropriate he smiles and turns on his heels to check on the kids.

  " Uncle Zee can we play the piano?"  Jade asked as she shuffles over to her uncle her puppy dog eyes out.

  He adored his instruments and, didn't necessarily like taking the chance of one of his young family members wrecking them, but her green eyes matched the ones Zayn knew all too well and he had to say yes.

  "Only if you guys take your nap in a half hour like you're suppose to." Zayn agrees, stating his conditions, Jase runs up to Harry whispering something in his ear.

   "Excuse me, but Jase would like to know if when they take a nap...well he wants us to nap with him." Zayn's first thought was to say no immediately, but he could tell by the tug of his arm from Jade no was not going to be taken.

  "Um, well, I guess...but you guys better sleep." zayn sighs out the smirk on Harry's face, making him regret his decision..maybe this is making Harry's dream come true..he did write, well Zayn assumed he wrote in the journal how he'd like to share a bed with him again.

  "Yes, ok piano now." Jase yells before grabbing his sister's hand and pulling her towards Zayn's office.

  When they were out of the room Harry leans over the back of the couch to watch the way Zayn bent over to pick Rome up out of his playpen.

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