Chapter 3

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(Jimin pov)

Jimin was waiting for his lecturer to start teaching his business class. Everyone in the school knew what had happened in the morning and somehow even knew that he wasn't poor. Everyone was whispering and stealing glances at him. Some looked at him with daggers in their eyes but some looked at him with awe and hopefulness that someone stood up to the popular kids. He was hating the attention already. He kept his head on the table while waiting for the professor when someone sat beside him.

"Hey! Seems like you hate the attention your getting" taehyung said.
"Of course I do. It's so uncomfortable and annoying" jimin chimed without looking at who he was talking to.
" I'm taehyung. Wanna be friends?" He asked with a boxy smile.
Jimin shot his head up quickly. " What do you want? I have no business with you or your bratty friends who bully people" jimin sassed.
" Come on, give me a chance. You really don't know us. We aren't bad as people say we are"
Jimin thought for a minute." I mean he has a point. I don't want to judge people by rumors so why not get to know him. It won't hurt right?" Jimin questioned himself.
" Yeah I guess. So I'm Jimin. Park Jimin" he gave taehyung his hand.
"Woah what's with all the formality?"Taehyung shakes his hand anyway.
" Haha sorry. I'm used to doing that so much." Jimin laughed embarrassedly.
" So tell me jimin, why did you come to this school in the middle of the semester? Were you expelled from your old school?" Taehyung asked.
" Nahh I was forced to come to korea to complete my studies by my father so I didn't have much choice" jimin huffed.
" What other classes are you taking?" Jimin changed the subject quickly.
Taehyung noticed but played it out. " I'm taking fashion and modeling. I'm already a model after all." Taehyung laughed." What about you jiminie?"
" Oh I'm taking fashion designing." Taehyung was about to comment on that but the professor came in and started to teach so he had to shut his mouth.








" Omg it was the most boring 3 hours I spent. I almost slept halfway through" jimin pouted.
" Finally someone I can relate to!!!" Taehyung grinned.
"Okay tae tae I have to do something before I go home so I gotta go bye." Says jimin.
" I'm really happy you gave me a chance. It was really nice talking to you and you are really cool  jiminie. Bye" taehyung said smiling.
" Right back at ya. Ur cool too" jimin laughed while walking away.

"That went well than I thought it would. He's actually really nice. Maybe they aren't so bad after all." Jimin thought.
" Shit! I almost forgot. I have to join the dance club today. I hope they take me" jimin prayed internally while searching for the dance room. He ran all around the school still unable to find it when he bumped onto someone's chest hard. He looked up and saw the person he hated the most. Jungkook was looking at him wide eyed frozen.
" Ugh you again. Mind telling me where the dance room is? Or are you too big and mighty to help someone?" Jimin sassed.
Jungkook pointed to the building right next to him.
" Um thanks?" Jimin said awkwardly and ran away.
" Is that guy mute or something? Why does he always look at me like a deer caught in  headlights." Jimin chuckled in his thoughts.
" Gotta admit he is freaking handsome though............NOO!! He is your enemy jimin! You can't think of him like that." He beat himself at his thoughts. When he went inside the dance room members were already dancing and they started looking at him weirdly for barging in.

" Hello. Are you lost? How can I help you?"Someone asked him.
" No I came here to join the dance club if possible. Oh and I'm Jimin." He said politely.
" I'm hoseok and I know who you are jimin, you punched my friend in the hallway. And we don't take just anyone to the club. We take people who are worthy and passionate about dancing. Not just random guys who stumble into class late." Hoseok smirked..
" Is this guy really saying he won't take me because I punched that jerk? What the fuck". Jimin huffed internally.
" With all due respect 'Mr.hoseok' I came late because I couldn't find the dance room and I will prove to you that I'm worthy to be a member of this club" jimin smirked offended.
" Then dance to the song I put. The classroom is all yours" hoseok scoffed and intentionally put the ochestral version of black swan to make it hard for jimin to dance. Little did he know that jimin was extremely good at contemporary dancing.
Jimin went to the middle of the class and started dancing. He moved elegantly. He blocked all the external noises and drowned himself to the music and let his body move on its own to the music flow. He ended his dance gracefully with the ending of the music and was breathing hard because of the hard routine he did. Everyone had their mouths open and eyes blown away. They started clapping and whistling. To say hoseok was surprised was an understatement. He was mind blown. Jimin was actually so great at dancing. "He could even beat me in dancing"he thought to himself. " Bravo jimin. Your much better than I thought. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm normally never like that. Maybe I was just caught up on the fact that you hit my friend." Hoseok apologized.
" It's fine" jimin replied
" You can come to practice from tomorrow onwards. Come on time though." Hoseok said playfully.
" Thankyou and I will be here on time." Jimin winked and went away to go home after the stressful day.

(Jungkook Pov)

All of them were at jungkook's house chilling and playing games except hoseok cause he was still at school dancing.
Jungkook was still thinking of when jimin bumped onto him after school. He was so beautiful even then.
"Aish  I was just standing there like a moron without saying anything. He must have thought I was crazy. Stupid Jeon."he thought.
" Cut it out jungkook you should start treating him badly if you don't want to make a fool out of yourself."
"What are you thinking about kook? You seem out of it the whole day." Namjoon commented.
" Yeah are you okay?" Yoongi asked while jin was looking at him.
" Yeah I'm fine I just have a big headache" jungkook lied.
" Maybe it was because of the punch you got on your face" jin laughed along with the others.
" Oh I talked with jimin in business class today. He's actually really funny and 'cute'." taehyung purposely highlighted the word cute to look at jungkook's reaction and saw exactly what he wanted to. Jungkook's head quickly shot up from his phone when he talked about jimin. And jungkook's eyebrows unknowingly scrunched together when he had called jimin cute. " Wow kook, this is getting so interesting" taehyung chuckled at his victory in his head.
" He really seems like our type of friend" Namjoon jumped in.
Just then Hoseok came in after practices.
" Hey guys what are you guys talking about?" Hoseok sat down near the couch.
" Ooh we are talking about the hot topic jimin." Jin said while drinking a coke.
" According to our taehyung here he's actually pretty cool." Yoongi said.
" You guys won't believe what happened today!" Hoseok said excitedly.
" What hyung? Don't keep us hanging" jungkook asked.
" Today jimin came barging in the dance room asking to join the club."
" I was mad at him for hitting our kookie here so I told him that he's not worthy to join the club. I mean it was so not cool but stupid me said it."
" Haha shorty must have gone away crying right? Good job hobi hyung" jungkook gave him a thumbs up.
" I wish he did but he proved me wrong right in front of my face. You guys should have seen him. Everyone was mind blown from his dancing. It was so elegant that I was embarrassed that I trash talked him before. He could even pass me in dancing" hoseok finished.
" Oh my God he must have so good because hobi doesn't praise anyone in dancing at all" jin said.
" Enough guys. Stop praising jimin now. Can't you guys remember he punched me" jungkook glared.
" Sorry kook" Namjoon said and then they started talking about other stuff and playing games to spend their friendly gathering. Jungkook looked happy ever since he saw jimin. Taehyung was happy to see his best friend changing for the better. Only he noticed how jungkook's eyes were shining in proudness when hoseok complimented jimin's dancing.

Or so he thought so................
But someone else had seen and observed jungkook's change too.


- Eden ;)

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