Chapter 4

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(Jungkook pov)

Some days had passed and jimin had gotten used to his new school life. His favorite part of the day was going to the dance club. Hoseok was really nice to him and all the others were also treating him normally. Through these days jimin and taehyung had grown a very good friendship. Since they were the same age they has learned that they had a lot in common. Even taemin and taehyung had solved their problems and both of his friends now liked taehyung. Everything was fine except for jungkook's and jimin's relationship. Jungkook had forced himself to hate jimin and everytime they passed each other at the hallway, the exchanged insulting remarks. Today it was jimin's turn to start the bickering.
" Oh look it's mighty Jeon. Bow down to the king everyone." Jimin sassed.
" Ur so small but you have mouth as big as a dam shorty. So act your size Park." Jungkook threw back.
Jimin threw daggers out of eyes and walked away fast with his friends.
" 13: 12. Kook wins today" Yoongi  and Namjoon joked. Jin glared at them.
" Seriously kook why are you doing this? Why are you two fighting. If you just talked to each other I'm sure you guys would be amazing friends" Hoseok said angrily.
" Friends my ass. Those two would be eating each other's faces if they started talking for once." Taehyung chuckled in his head.
" Yeah and he seems really nice." Jin says and others nod.
" He iss. I love him. He's so cute I could squish his face." Taehyung squealed.
" If you love him go and marry him TAEHYUNG!!! fine take jimin's side. He's a manipulative prick who steals things." Jungkook barked and stormed off to football practices."
"Your stealing my heart jimin, and I hate you for it. I can't like you. Your a guy and I like girls"jungkook sighed internally. Jimin never fails to give him a headache everyday.

" What the fuck just happened?" Namjoon asked worriedly.
" I don't know! I've never seen him that angry for something stupid like this!" Hoseok said.
Taehyung knew he set jungkook off by saying that he loved jimin. Of course he loved jimin but as a friend. He now confirmed that jungkook liked jimin in someway. While the friends were worried about him taehyung and another was smirking for themselves.
" I was kidding but he took it seriously I guess. I'll talk to him. And I have to go for practices too" taehyung ran away to the field.








(Jimin pov)

" Come on jimin. Stop fighting with him will you. You guys are annoying." Sungwoon laughed.
" Yeah give the guy a break." Taemin added.
" Are you guys taking his side now? Whatever, I'm late for design class. And for your information I don't hate jungkook he's just weird." Jimin walked to his class.




" Well that was fun. See ya tomorrow eunwoo." Jimin bid goodbye to his friend from class.
" Bye chim." Eunwoo said.
" Should walk fast if I don't wanna get late for business class. At least I get to meet tae there." Jimin thought.
Jimin went inside and sat next to taehyung. " Hey mochi why you late?" Taehyung asked.
" First of all I'm not late and do NOT call me mochi again and hiya tae." Jimin blabbered.
" I'm so tired after practices." Taehyung pouted.
" Oh right! When's the match? "
" Next wee-"
" Good evening class today you an Important project." The professor cut taehyung off.
" You guys together with the 2nd years should do a group assignment in groups of three about how to manage and develop a business."
" You have 3 days to complete it and the 2nd years will join you now." The professor 'Mr. Choi' concluded.
Everyone groaned but some girls were squealing and whispering in excitement.
Jimin was curious why some were happy
" Why are those girls smiling like maniacs?"jimin asked.
" Oh they are happy because jungkook's coming. Oh but your not though" taehyung laughed.
" God why is he coming???" Jimin huffed.
Just when taehyung was about to answer jungkook plopped next to taehyung.
" Hey tae!! Happy to see me? Oh shorty ur here too? What a pleasant surprise!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.
Jimin ignored him and looked at mr. Choi.
" You wish! I'm not happy. Can't you remember you just exploded on me in the hallway? And your wearing your favorite balenciaga hoodie!!!!" Taehyung glared playfully.
" Sorry about that I was just tired and yes this is my favorite brand" Jungkook says.
Jimin's ears perks in interest at that statement. His enemy loves his brand.
" Ok class you'll be grouped from the way your sitting." Mr. Choi announced.
" Now begin discussing."
It was awkward for taehyung because jimin and jungkook wasn't saying anything. They were both unhappy about the grouping.
" Guys stop this rivalry for a bit. Take this seriously! We have to take these marks!" Taehyung said annoyed. The duo nodded.
" So jimin what do you think about this." Tae asked.
" I think that a business can be massively develop-"
" How would this guy know anything about a business? He doesn't know about anything" jungkook shot.
" Can you just tell why your acting like this? Don't be a annoying fuck Jeon" jimin gritted already annoyed.
" Whatever. I have a meeting with the Ceo of balenciaga for a collaboration with my company. I don't have time for this bullshit. Text me the time and place to meet when we are gonna do this. I'm leaving" jungkook said and left.
" This brat! I'm sorry about him jiminie. Shall we all meet at your place to do the project? And I wanna see your place." Taehyung smiled apologetically.
" It's fine. Come to my house tomorrow after school. I'll text you my address." Jimin said absentmindedly. He was still thinking bof what jungkook had said. " Meeting with the Ceo? Wait! Is he the owner of golden closet company? Hahaha he's gonna meet me for a collaboration after he said I knew nothing about business without knowing that his favorite brand is mine? This is gonna be so fun! I can't wait" jimin was smiling like an idiot.









( Jungkook Pov)

He was getting ready to meet the CEO of balenciaga at a high class restaurant. He was so excited for this project.
" I really hope this goes well. This would be a high achievement for our hotel and production line." He thought.
While he was dressing in a black suit his mind suddenly wandered to jimin.
" I really shouldn't have insulted him in the class. I'm always acting stupidly around him."
He took his phone, wallet and car keys and drove to the restaurant.
" Hello welcome to golden clove. Do you have a reservation?" The receptionist asked.
" Hello. There's a table under my name Jeon Jungkook. I'm meeting someone." He said.
" Ah yes Mr. Jungkook your table is right in the middle near the window. The person you're meeting is already here" the receptionist said politely.
Jungkook walked towards the table when he saw someone familiar sitting bin the table. His faced morphed into a surprised look.
"Oh no. Oh no I messed up bad. Shit"
Jungkook had regretted every word he uttered to this person in class today. He had humiliated himself and probably already lost the business deal.

" Hello Jeon. Surprised to see me?" Jimin smirked.



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