Chapter 16

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It was the next morning and the sun rays were falling on jungkook's eyes making him stir from his deep sleep. He groaned and opened his eyes taking in the environment of jimin's bedroom. Jimin wasn't in the bedroom with him so he checked his phone to see the time and he had only 15 minutes for school to start. He had 4 missed calls from his parents and tons of messages from taehyung, asking where the heck he was and why he is late for football practice. Shit I forgot to lie to my parents about staying at tae's house and I forgot football practice!! He groaned internally almost running out of jimin's bedroom.

Jimin was hurriedly stuffing his mouth with cereal when he saw jungkook stumbling downstairs.
" Ugh you're finally up you big lump! I called you a million times but you didn't wake up! We're so fucking late and I was supposed to meet hoseok and taemin hyungs like an hour ago!" Jimin said while throwing the bowl into the sink.
"I know I sleep like dead jiminshi and even I missed football practice. The worst thing is my parents are gonna kill me because I didn't come home yesterday." Jungkook grumbled after drinking water and starting to eat some cereal.
"Why would your parents kill you about that? I thought you're normally never home." Jimin questioned playfully.
"Did you forget that I'm the 'perfect son' who never does anything wrong?" Jungkook smirked while jimin laughed at that.

"Wait! What am I gonna wear? Where's my clothes from yesterday?" Jungkook asked checking the time.
"Your stupid ass left them in the shower last night and they're all wet. You'll have to wear that. It's the only thing that's gonna fit you except the pants you're wearing now" Jimin said pointing at the clothes. It was grey sweatpants with a large blue Balenciaga hoodie which was only a little large for jungkook.

After a quick shower jungkook came out of the bathroom, his hair wet, whining at the outfit that looks like he went for a morning jog while jimin laughed at him clutching the stomach.
" Stop laughing at me you little shorty! This outfit is gonna be the new topic at school for like a week." Jungkook huffed while he dragged the still laughing jimin out of the apartment.
"It's not my fault that you're huge, buff and big!."Jimin giggled while getting inside jungkook's car.
"It's because you're too small and tiny." Jungkook fought back while starting to drive.
" Yah! I'm not small you muscle pig." He bickered while jungkook smiled but it suddenly turned into a smirk.
" So I'm big huh?" He asked making Jimin go red.
" Eww quit being a pervert hyung!" He mumbled feeling embarrassed.

They reached school and jungkook parked his car while students started to gather around whispering, to see their favorite playboy like always.
"Isn't it annoying with all these people standing and watching your every move?" Jimin asked already annoyed with the crowd.
"Of course it's annoying but I'm used to it now." He said ruffling jimin's soft blonde locks.
" Look I can see our friends over there." Jungkook said while jimin looked outside through the car window.
"Won't everyone feel suspicious that us, the two enemies coming to school together?" Jimin asked worried.
" No they won't. I'll just tell these bitches to mind their own business if they ask anything." He chuckled.
"Ok then we'll go, it's already late." Jimin said going to open the door but jungkook grabbed him back and kissed him deeply while they both smiled into it feeling happy.
"Let's go jiminah." Jungkook said happily getting out of his car while jimin did the same thanking god that the car windows were tinted or else every would have seen them.

They walked to their friends fast ignoring the whispers and the weird looks they gave to jungkook's outfit.
"Look who has finally arrived!" Taehyung laughed when they came to them.
" What the hell are you wearing? Did you wake up and come here right away?" Sungwoon laughed with the others making Jungkook feel embarrassed.
"Nuh uh that can't be since his hair is still wet." Jin said making jungkook's mind blank without an explanation.
" And are you two friends again? Finally we can stay in peace without feeling pressurized." Namjoon chuckled.
"So what happened?" Taemin asked with an eyebrow raised.

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