Chapter 9

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It was around 11 a.m. when jungkook woke up and opened his eyes from the deep sleep he was in. He groaned from the tiredness he felt and turned around to be met with a sight of a sleeping jimin. His face paled and hearted started beating fast in an uncomfortable manner.
"No no no! Don't tell me that we fucked and it wasn't just a dream I had?!" jungkook gulped hard. " What the hell am I gonna do??! What have I done! I can't, I was just probably drunk! Maybe.... Maybe jimin forced me to do it!" Jungkook battled in his head definitely knowing that yesterday he was one who dragged jimin and himself into this mess.

While jungkook was debating in his head, jimin groaned waking up from his deep slumber. " Agh- where the fuck am I?" Jimin groaned from the bitchy headache he was getting. He noticed he was naked in someone's bed and just hoped he hasn't slept with someone gross.

He looked around and noticed jungkook staring at him with a blank face from the other corner of the bed. Jimin gasped shocked. " Wh- what the fuck am I doing here?? Oh my god!! Shit sh-it" he abruptly stood up wincing from the soreness searching for his clothes. He didn't care that it was hard to walk but he knew he had to get out of there.

Jungkook's blank faced suddenly morphed into a angry looking face while he stood in his boxers going near jimin. He pushed the latter to the wall in pure hatred.
" YOU! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!!!" jungkook growled while jimin looked at him with confused but guilty looking eyes.
" You came into my life and ruined everything. Heck! You even tricked me into sleeping with you!! You fucking took ADVANTAGE of ME when I was drunk huh!! FUCKING SLUT!" jungkook spat. Jimin was shocked, hurt evident in his eyes from the name jungkook, his so called 'friend' had called him.

" Do you trick all the guys you want to sleep with like this?" Jungkook huffed.
" Im not even gay jimin. Why did you make me do this? I'm disgusted with myself because of your dirty tactics."
" I-- I even gave a chance at our friendship..... Now it's completely ruined because of you." Jungkook said to jimin but it seemed like he was trying to convince himself.
" Tell me jimin, was this your intention from the beginning? To sleep with me and mak- make me sick? Make me gay like you?" Jungkook said voice slightly wavering.

" Jungkook please, I don't know what happened! I can't remember anything! And no jungkook, I wasn't thinking of doing anything to you! I'm sorry kookie" jimin literally sobbed pleading Jungkook to believe him. Jimin really couldn't remember anything. He was the one who was drunk, not the other way around.

" Don't fucking lie to me! and get out of my house, I don't wanna see you now faggot." Jungkook spitted. Jimin gasped mouth wide open. He had to get out. Everything was too suffocating. He wiped his face and tugged his hair stressed. " I'm really sorry for what I did hyung. I really am......." Jimin sighed while not really knowing what he was apologizing for while opening the door of jungkook's room to go away.
" I hate you" Jungkook growled, eyes bloodshot.
" Yeah I got it loud and clear" jimin whispered almost inaudible while running down the stairs and outside to go home.





Jungkook was the perfect son anyone could ask for. He did everything his parents asked him to. He was perfect in his parents eyes so he didn't want to ruin it by his foolish decisions. He didn't know if they were homophobic or not and he definitely didn't want find out. So he had to carryout this fake facade of him acting all happy around them. Jungkook's father had worked so hard to make them live a luxurious life so he didn't want to disappoint them in anyway.

After jimin left, jungkook screamed into his pillow. He was feeling guilty as fuck. He knew everything was was his fault. He was the one who took advantage of jimin yet he blamed everything on the younger. He was disgusted and confused with himself so he threw all the anger he had against him on jimin. He hated himself for saying all those shitty things to the latter. The horrible words he had used on jimin made his head hurt. He never meant to say those but he thought he had to, to make himself feel better. But it never happened. He had made everything worse. Luck wasn't on his side for being a coward and selfish.

"I'm so sorry angel. I'm sorry for hurting you and being selfish. I could never ever hate you even though I said I did."









As soon as jimin came to his apartment, he removed his clothes and went to the bathroom. He was under the shower, hot water falling to his body. Silent tears were falling from his pretty eyes mixing with the water. He didn't know why he was crying. He was trying so hard to remember what happened but he still couldn't. He still remembered the look Jungkook had given him. It was full of rage and hurt and jimin thought he had caused it. He by now knew that he liked jungkook romantically or else he wouldn't act like this.
He had to make it right. Jimin thought desperately.

After the long shower he decided that he was going to sleep again. He thought that he would be able to recall everything after a good sleep. He was tired, eyes puffy and skin flushed from the warm water so he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

(Time skip)

It was around 4 p.m when jimin woke up scoffing. He was right about the whole remembering thing. He had a flashback of everything that happened from he getting drunk to having sex with Jungkook.
Jimin started laughing in a psychotic manner. How stupid can I get!! He thought. He knew that he could never take advantage or force anyone to do anything with him. But he had blindly believed everything Jungkook had said accepting all the insults and names which were thrown at him. He couldn't even believe he had doubted himself.

He knew Jungkook must be confused about his sexuality and felt sorry for him. He remembered the time when he himself was confused about his sexuality. But he was furious with Jungkook. He didn't have to use him like a rag doll and throw him out humiliating him and making him believe that he was the one in wrong. He had played the victim when jimin was the actual one. Jimin wasn't mad at him for fucking him but he he was hurt that jungkook had called him a slut and faggot. After all anyone would feel double the hurt after being shouted at by the person you like.

Even through all those things jimin knew that he could never really hate jungkook. Both of them had an invisible bond that connected each other that neither of them knew. It was like they were destined to be together.


Jikook Dramaaaaa!!!

What do you guys think about how jungkook acted? Do you feel sorry for him or are you guys mad at him?


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