Chapter 14

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Jungkook was impatient. Currently they were waiting near the school gates for a certain someone - jimin, to come to school. Jungkook had missed him so much. Even though he saw the latter yesterday he always missed him. He couldn't sleep yesterday. He kept thinking about jimin and the events that happened that evening. It's not a lie that the younger is  always on his mind but finally his wishes of kissing and holding him came true.

"Pff look at you like a lost puppy waiting for it's owner." Yoongi whisper laughed catching jungkook off guard.
" Shit! You almost gave a heart attack dude! And no I'm not waiting for anyone" he pouted.
" You can't fool me in anyway kook. So, did you talk to jimin yesterday?" Yoongi asked.
" Yeah we did. All thanks to you Yoongi. If you didn't put it to my mind, I still wouldn't have talked to him." Jungkook said relieved.
" That's good then. So are you guys dating now?!" He asked excited.
" No not yet. I didn't have the time to ask him. He hasn't even texted me. Yoongi! What if he second guessed about forgiving me? What if he regrets kissing me?? Oh god, what am I gonna do? Help me!" Jungkook said in one breath.
" Are you done rambling?" Yoongi asked annoyed while Jungkook looked at him like a sad kid.
" I'm sure he's not regretting anything kook. Stop being so paranoid. He's one of the most kind and sweet people I met. I'm sure he's happy about everything that happened yesterday." He advised jungkook.

Meanwhile jimin had parked his car and was walking towards the school. He was happy yet embarrassed. He was shy to talk to jungkook after yesterday. Since jimin was always insecure, the question about what they were now always lingered on his mind. He just prayed that yesterday was real and not just a sick joke jungkook played on him.

He saw his friends waiting for him near the gate so he walked towards them. He saw Yoongi and jungkook whispering in the side while the others were in their own worlds.
" Jiminie! Come here" taehyung said while suddenly hugging him.
" Hi tae and I can't breath." Jimin said laughing. He met eyes with an eager looking jungkook who suddenly broke into a boyish grin when he saw him. Jimin smiled shyly but stopped when he remembered that anyone could see them.
" Oh I'm sorry chim for squeezing you too tight." Taehyung apologized.
"It's fine" he said and started chatting with the others.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi pinched his arm.
"Ouch! What the hell Yoongi. What was that for?" Jungkook glared.
"Stop staring at him like that if you don't want the others to find out yet." He said looking at jimin.
" Oops my bad. But look at how pretty he is." Jungkook said dreamily.
" Eww don't ever act like that infront of me." He said making a disgusted face.
" Pfff look at your face! You look so spooked." Jungkook said laughing while clutching his stomach.
" What are you laughing so hard at?"jin asked him while the others looked at the duo curiously.
"Oh it's nothing hyung, I was just making fun of Yoongi." He said while wiping his tears.

"Oh jimin, we almost forgot! Me and taemin are going to participate in a dance competition, you should come too!" Hoseok said excited.
"There's a contemporary category too. And then we three will be doing a group dance." Taemin said looking equally excited.
" I don't know guys.... I have work to do so I don't think I'll have time to practice." Jimin said unsurely.
" Please jiminie.... We need you!" Hoseok said with puppy eyes.
The others also encouraged him to go while he saw jungkook smiling at him softly urging him to participate.
"Ugh fine. Only because I'll feel guilty for letting you guys down." He pouted cutely while taemin hugged him happily.
Jungkook was a bit annoyed that taemin was hugging jimin for too long but made sure to cover it up from the others.





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