Chapter 30

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Jungkook woke up to the best sight someone could have when they open their eyes. Jimin was still asleep, cuddled up on jungkook's chest. The morning light had fallen on his face making him more breathtaking. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat looking at the beauty infront of him and he knew he was the luckiest person in the whole world.

He traced his finger softly along jimin's almost invisible freckles which were more prominent due to the sunlight. His smooth skin was so soft under his palm and he continued to trace his hand along jimin's porcelain skin, moving to caress his fluffy hair.

His breath got stuck on his throat when jimin sleepily opened his eyes, gaze fixing on jungkook's as he gave him a beautiful smile making jungkook's heart hurt from too much love.
"What are you doing?" Jimin asked cutely.
"Appreciating your beauty and wondering how I got so lucky." He said with a huge grin making the younger's cheeks blush pink.
"I'm the lucky one to have the best boyfriend in the world. You being hot is a plus." Jimin smiled drawing patterns on jungkook's chest with his finger.
"Nah uhh I'm the lucky-" Jungkook began but was cut off by jimin.
"Shut up, this is not a competition. We're both lucky to have each other so it's settled." He sassed making jungkook laugh heartily.
"Aww I love you too angel." Jungkook laughed with sparkly eyes.
"What?" Jimin asked.
"Do you think I can't understand what you wrote on my chest? You wrote ' I love you' so I replied to you." Jungkook answered with an amused chuckle.
Jimin hit his chest with a pout, red decorating his whole face.
"Cutie." He said pecking jimin's pout away.

"It's yoongi's birthday today right?" Jimin asked while sitting up.
"Yeah. We have to go to lunch with all of them." He replied.
Tae and Yoongi knows I didn't leave but the others don't. I'm sure they're pissed at me. I didn't even talk to them." Jimin groaned sadly.
"They're not gonna be mad jiminshi. They'll understand. And even if they are angry and say something to you, I'll beat them up." Jungkook teased.
"Yah I'll kick your ass." He laughed.

"I'm going to shower and I'm hungry." Jimin said as he stood up to go to the bathroom.
"Let's go out to eat after showering." He replied while standing up.
"Okay but where are you trying to go now?" Jimin asked with a teasing voice.
"To shower." He grinned.
"Nope not happening. I don't trust you to shower with me. My whole body's sore from yesterday." Jimin ordered.
"Oh come on! You shouldn't waste water. And I promise I won't do anything else." He pleaded cutely.
"Fine! But if you dare try something else, you have to give me a piggy back ride to the restaurant and back." He replied.







"Hyung put me down now." Jimin said while trying to get down from jungkook's back.
"But I promised to piggy back you home too." He replied as he put Jimin down.
"You also promised to keep your hands to yourself in the bathroom but that didn't happen, did it? And now my ass hurts so much." Jimin complained jokingly.
"I'm sorry. But it's not like you didn't enjoy it! You were begging for me to go faster as I held you against the wall." Jungkook teased.
"Aish brat! Anyways let's walk back." He said avoiding the topic with a flushed face.
Jungkook just laughed pulling him into a kiss.
"You're so cute when you're embarrassed baby."

They were walking along a park with interlaced hands when they saw a playground with some kids playing near it.
"Wanna go ride swings?" Jungkook asked with a cute smile.
"Really? Okay." He smiled as they went to the playground.
They rode the swings, laughing happily as they told each other their childhood stories. They sat there after having fun, just lost in each other's eyes when a tiny voice called them.
"Excuse me ajusshi, can you push me on the swing?" A little boy asked them, looking at jungkook expectantly.
"This kid, I'm not even that old." Jungkook said under his breath annoyed at being called ajusshi, making Jimin laugh.
"Of course, this ajusshi will play with you." Jimin said to the little boy smiling as he ignored jungkook's animated stare.

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