(#82) The Empress

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"Lady Aesther, a letter came from the Imperial Family," Belle said.

"From whom is it?" I asked.

"From the Baron Family? No, from the EMPRESS." She said.

"You finally realized!" I said, smiling.

"Of course, the only person who would dare use the Baron family seal in the Imperial Family, there is only the Empress. I am not that's stupid." Belle said.

"What must be the letter about?" Belle asked, thinking hard.

What must be the letter about? I thought and laid back on my chair.

Of course, what else can it be about?

The previous day.

"Lady Aesther, since you didn't inform early of your arrival to the Palace, the Head was quite in a hurry and just randomly chose one of us as your escort." The Maid following me told.

"Doesn't matter who my escort. And Miss, you can leave. I know my way around here, very well." I said.

"That is not proper from my side, My Lady. I am getting paid for doing this. Please don't make it hard for me." The maid said.

"Whatever. Just don't hinder me." I said.

"Alright, My Lady. May I ask where you are going?" She asked.

So much for not being a hindrance. I rolled my eyes.

"The Queen's Palace. Palace Vesilla." I said.

"That we must go that way." The Maid said, pointing to the right.

"But as I remember," I said and looked at her.

"The Empress claimed that she becomes very exhausted after walking a long way from her Palace to the Imperial Palace, she suggested a shorter path," Maid said.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"The work finished two weeks ago." The Maid said.

"Oh. Alright, then. We shall go through that way." I said ad the Maid nodded.

We then reached the Vesilla Palace.

From there to the Empress's room, nothing had changed.

I could easily get the way.

The Empress's room was guarded by two soldiers.

"Let the Empress know that Lady Aesther, has come to meet her," I told the guards.

"Yes, Lady Aesther." The guard bowed and opened the door, from where the remaining was carried out by a maid, inside the room.

Then the door opened and a maid came out.

"The Empress is currently sleeping and will not be seeing anyone for now." She said.

"That's a pity. But I am well-versed in medicine. Let me check her condition." I said and took a step forward and the maid stopped me.

"What is the matter now?" I asked.

"The Empress told that she cannot see you for now," I said.

"But didn't you tell that she was sleeping? Which is the real statement. And regardless of that, you have indeed lied and that too about an Imperial Member.

Don't you know what your crime is?" I asked.

"Please forgive me, Lady Aesther. I deserve to die." The Maid said.

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