(#80) Double Poisoned

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"I, as the head of the Imperialist, too wish Crown Prince Lindon and Princess Velena to have a happy married and blissful married life," Father said, ad bowed in the end, and the rest of us, half-heartedly, did the same.

It seems like, I have misunderstood Velena's power.

"There is one thing that I would like to bring to everyone's concern today," Velena said.

"Please feel free to express what all you want to say, Princess Velena." Eunuch Mai said.

"It is about you, Miss Aesther," Velena said.

I smiled and got up from the couch.

"Now, what is this related to me?" I asked, with a smile.

"I heard that my maid was bullied and tortured by you," Velena said and brought that maid to the front.

She was so ashamed, that she couldn't even look me in the eye properly.

"Bullied and tortured? Alright. When?" I asked.

"When she was serving you in the morning," Velena said.

"Where?" I asked.

"In the room prepared for you." She said.

"I can find equipment to torture her in a guest room prepared by the Palace?" I asked.

"Y-you bullied you, nonetheless," Velena said.

"I don't bully random people I see on the streets, Princess Velena," I said.

"Are you telling that my maid lied?" She asked.

"Wait- Your maid? She told me she was sent by Crown Prince Lindon. Princess Velena, you should know the consequences of using the names of royalty carelessly." I said.

"I-I, no, she, I mean, my maid did that?" She changed her complexion very quickly.

"Yes, she did," I said.

"My Lady-" That maid tried to explain, when Velena slapped her face, hard. You could hear its ring reverberating in the Hallway.

There was pin-drop silence.

"I-I didn't know she would tell like that," Velena said.

Velena may be excellent in making long-term plans, but when it comes to quick answers, she is worse than a toddler.

She could have said something similar to, I am going to be the wife of the Crown Prince, so there is nothing wrong with that.

But she first thought of saving herself, and that is, what going to destroy her.

Now after this information gets leaked, not only will she be known as a cruel schemer, but also a person who abuses their laborers.

"That's alright. If that's it, then I think we have held the Assembly for more than it should have been held." I said.

"Nu-uh. The matter isn't finished after all." Velena said with a smile.

I so badly wanted to roll my eyes and be like now what?! But what can I do? I am just a Royal Advisor's daughter while she is a big-time princess.

"What is the matter, Princess Velena?" I asked.

"I heard that you took a knife and held it to her neck with so much intensity that her blood almost came out," Velena said with much fake concern.

"And why did I do that?" I asked.

"Simply. For no reason." Velena said, shrugging.

"Why should I bully a maid for no reason?" I asked.

"That's the highlight dear. You bullied my maid, with no proper reason." She said.

"All that you said is true, except for doing it for no reason," I said.

"Then please enlighten us with your reason, Miss Aesther," Velena said.

"Because she was trying to poison me," I said.

She then smirked and clapped her hands loudly.

"Someone! Go bring over the tray of food that was served to Miss Aesther." Velena said.

It seems like our little princess, has got really low experience in considering other people's points of view while scheming.

I never said what it was that tried to poison me, but she deduced it by herself that it was my breakfast. 

If she straight away jumps to proving herself, without making a scene that I was lying, at least the majority would get the hang of the situation.

A maid brought in the tray.

"Now, who will test if the content has poison? Wait, I think that I know a poison specialist, who has gotten famous recently, after treating Crown Prince Lindon." Velena said.

She is talking about-

"Caylin, if I remember right." She said.

Then Caylin came forward.

"It is me, Princess Velena," Caylin said.

"Good. A person from Imperialist and mainly from Aesther Household. May I believe that he would be honest and truthful just as the House say it is?" Velena asked, clearly mocking.

"It is not a subject to debate, Princess Velena," I said.

"Alright. Please check the food if it has poison content in it, Caylin." She said and held her head up high.

Caylin then eyed the food carefully and took it in between his fingers and started examining it closely.

"It does not seem to contain poison, Princess Velena, and Lady Aesther," Caylin said.

"Who said the food had poison on it. I was talking about the silverware." I said and a flash of panic was seen in Velena's eyes.

"Ch-check the silverware, then," Velena said.

Caylin then checked it.

"There... does not seem to be any poison content in here too," Caylin said.

"You could have simply cleaned it," I said.

"And you simply don't have any proof," Velena said.

I then took out the napkin that I had folded and kept it in my pocket.

"Remember this napkin, uh... Mariana?" I asked.

"Yes, it is the napkin with which you wiped the knife," Mariana said.

"Exactly," I said and her eyes widened her fear.

"Check this, Caylin," I said.

The panic could be clearly seen in their eyes now.

Caylin smiled.

"I am afraid, there does seem to be poison content in here," Caylin said.


Special Note For Readers

First of all, thank you all for the amazing support you have given me. I feel like I am over the moon by now. 😘😘

And second, is a question for you. 

The title says, Double Poisoned. Try to guess what 'double' poisons are being mentioned. 

Comment below. 👇🏻👇🏻

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow.

So till next time, 

Je Vous Aimez💕💕

Last updated on 22/02/2021

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