(#8)An Encounter with Two Old Friends (Not Really)

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"Will you be alright after I am gone?" Father asked. "Come on Father. I am your daughter." I said. "Be careful." He said and I smiled. "Always." I smiled.

"Anyway, Belle will stay back with me." I said and Father said. "Alright. Be careful." Father said. "I will." I said. "Bella, take care of my Ana." Father said and Belle nodded.

"And dear, be careful." I said. "Father, it's the third time you are saying this." I said. "What can I do?" Father asked. "You are my only daughter." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Enough with it Father. Now leave. I need to know what they are up to." I said and Father nodded. "Be safe." Father said. "Father..." I sighed. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I am leaving." Father said and started walking.

He kept turning around and looking at me, time to time. And whenever he did, I rolled my eyes. My Father finally got into the carriage and left. "Seriously. He finally left." I said.

"He genuinely worries about you, My Lady." Belle said. "I know, but it just worries me." I said. "What worries you?" She asked. "I will tell you. Just not now." I smiled and she nodded.

"Now look, when I go meet Louis and Maylene, you will stand outside. I want you to observe everything. Like how the maids and the other workers are working. Tell me in detail when we get back." I said.

"Is everything alright?" She asked. "I just have to make it alright." I said. "I understand." She smiled.

"Alright, now we have to get the plan working." I said and she nodded.

When we got near the office, I nodded at Belle. Understanding, she nodded back at me too. She then stood by the door.

I knocked on the door and opened it at an ajar. "Young Prince?" I called out. "Ah! Ana, you are here." Louis said and motioned me to come in. I nodded and closed the door behind me.

"Maylene." I looked at her and smiled. "Come on, call me May, Ana." Maylene said. "I can't, and you should call Anastasia." I said. Her eyes went wide in shock.

I could also feel the cold look from Louis behind me.

"Because, as you've just encountered, there are some people, who are trying to harm me. And they have already known that you are close to me. It is alright for the Young Prince." I said. Then I turned and bowed to him.

He was seriously eyeing me with curiosity. "Buy Maylene, you are just a Baron's daughter. There are not much people to protect you. So I suggest that you call me Anastasia from now on. It would be safe for you." I said.

Then I took a deep breath for not cringing when I say the next thing. "Because I, would not want anything to happen to you." I said.

Maylene then smiled and came towards me. I didn't need to be a scholar to know what she was going to do. I then quickly turned to Louis. "I hope the Young Prince accepts this idea too." I said and bowed.

"It's nice to know that we are caring for each other." Louis said and Maylene had it too.

"But now it seems like you have become a bit too close with your Father." Louis said. I made a mental grin. Then put on an innocent face. "What do you mean, Young Prince? Every daughter will be close to their Fathers." I said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Suddenly he started sweating because of nervousness. "What I meant was like, a bit more, closer than before?" Louis asked.

"Oh!" I then put a smile on my face. "I guess he became closer, mentally and physically, after he almost thought that he lost me." I said.

"That is true. After all, he is her Father." Maylene said and Louis nodded. Then I put on an innocent complexion again. "What is it guys? Am I missing something?" I asked.

They all had looks of shock on their faces. "What Maylene meant was that... that... it must be the reason behind why you both are being very harmonic with each other now a days." Louis said and gave Marylene a glare.

Marylene shivered under it for a moment. Then brought herself back to normal and smiled.

"Ana?" Maylene suddenly called me. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Why didn't you fire that maid, what' her name, Bella?" She asked.

"Oh, that's because after giving it more thought, she is someone that my mother gave me before her death. The last thing she gave me." I said. 'So I felt bad. And also Belle didn't have any better place to go." I said.

"B-but... " Maylene stuttered. "It's alright. She will come around it soon." Louis said. One again I plastered an innocent look on my face. "What is it guys?" I asked.

"Nothing. We just meant that... you... might change your mind soon." Louis said and I nodded in an understanding method.

"Maylene and Young Prince," I faced both of them and both of them looked at me. "I promised my Father that I would go back before lunch." I said.

"Father has kind of become a bit too much over protected these few days." I said. "It's expected from a Father." Louis said while nodding.

"I am grateful to the Young Prince for understanding." I said and bowed. Then I looked at both of them and smiled. "Then I will begin my departure. If there is anything you people want to talk, please do." I said.

"What is there for us to talk, if you are no there?" Louis asked, with suspicion. "Come on, before we became lovers, we were friends, we all were. I trust both of you." I said and looked at both of them, especially into their eyes.

As expected, there was not even an ounce of guilt present in them. I then smiled and got out of that room, which was mentally, stuffed in.

I heaved a sigh as I got out. "Everything alright?" Belle asked. "Ah, yes." I said. She then smiled at me. "Observed everything?" I asked and she nodded.

"Alright then. We have a long way home.


"Sir, this is what happened today. Young Lady Aesther just saved herself by depending upon herself. Master Aesther just played along." The informer told his Master.

"Keep on observing her. And tell me about everything." The Master said. "Yes, Master!"


Special note for the Readers.

I am indeed very happy with the increasing number of Readers every day.

I hope that all of you shall follow me and vote my stories.

And for those who haven't read yet, please read my other book, P.S.S (Personal Spy Secretary).

Love Y'all. 💕💕

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