(#17)Foreign Envoy

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"What did you want to talk about, Crown Prince Lindon?" I asked. "Actually, I want you to call me Lindon." He said.

"Very funny, Your Highness, the-" He cut me off. "It's Lindon, remember?" He asked, smiling playfully.

"And I, was just rejecting that idea, Your Highness-" He cut me off again. "Tut-tut-tut. You just don't learn, do you?" He asked, playfully.

"Perfect, Your Highness-" He cut me off again. "How many times should I repeat for you, A. NA." He said, smirking.

"In the name of Gods," I said and closed his mouth with my hands.

"It seems like the young people are busy. We will come at another time." We heard someone with a familiar voice speak and we turned towards the direction.

It was King Adelouis.

"Your Highness-" I said and Lindon cut me off again. "Hey!" He called and I turned.

"What's the matter? Are you alright?" I asked. "Oh sorry, I thought that you were speaking to me." He said and smiled sheepishly.

"See? Your Highness the Crown Prince can't change something he started right now. But you want me to change something that I had started since the beginning." I said.

"Okay fine, what you are saying also makes sense. So... " Lindon started.

"So?" I asked.

"I will give you one day. Practice by then." He said. "One day! Your Highness the Crown Prince, are you serious?! One day! You have to be impartial. Will one day be enough for you?" I asked.

"One day! I don't even need a moment." He said, scoffing.

"Don't you think that you have a bit too much of a confidence, Your Highness the Crown Prince?" I asked.

"Um... sorry for interrupting, but I am still here. And I just want to let you both know that I am leaving." King Adelouis said.

"I am really sorry Your Highness. I just focused my point on the wrong problem." I said.

"Wrong problem?!" I heard Lindon sigh as I told.

I turned to him and mimicked, can you please stop this? We are in front of the King.

And he looked back at me as if telling, The King is my Father.

I rolled my eyes at him.

I then brought my eyes back to His Highness and gave a bright smile. Pity it couldn't be seen.

"I apologize for my rude behavior again, Your Highness." I said and bowed.

"It's alright. You all are just young. It can be excused. Anyway, have fun. The party will end soon." King Adelouis said and I nodded.

He then nodded in return and left.

"So... I am returning." I said and walked a bit backward. "Yeah, you are like the star of today's party. Can't stay back for too long." He said and I nodded.

I then rushed back to the party hall. "My Lady?" Belle called and came near to me.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Is everything alright?" She asked. "Yeah. Just perfect." I said.

"Phew. I thought something might have happened." Belle said.

"Why?" I asked. "Well My Lady, You have been gone for quite a long time. So I was starting to feel nervous. Then I say Lord Aesther and the King coming, but not you." She said and fidgeted.

"It's alright." I said and patted her back.

"Ah! And one more thing." She said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Do you remember the foreign guy who came to our mansion last time?" She asked.

"Yes, Kyle. Kyle Lian." I said.

"Yes, him. He asked to find you and ask you to meet him." Belle said. "Where is he?" I asked.

"Towards the left corner. He is having some people accompanying him, telling him southern jokes." She said. Southern jokes! He must have trouble faking laughs.

I nodded at Belle and walked in the given direction. I found Kyle with no difficulty.

I then walked towards him. There were, indeed, people crowding him, but not too much.

"May I politely interrupt your conversation?" I asked and everyone turned to me.

"Ah, Lady Aesther, fancy meeting you. How have you been doing?" He asked.

"Very well. Now, it's my turn. How have you been doing, Lord Vallas?" I asked.

"You know me?" He asked, very surprised. "Don't everyone?" I asked.

"Hmm... that seems to be true." He said and I smiled.

"You know, you really can't trust rumors these days. They can just fully change a person." He said, looking at me, like I was a study object.

"Oh, I have never witnessed something like that. So you see, I can't just agree with you." I said.

"Oh yes, true. But I have witnessed. And by each passing moment, you are just showing me, the reason behind why you are an Aesther." He said.

I smiled. "My pleasure."

"I heard a part of your conversation and it looked like you were cracking southern jokes for our envoy." I said.

"Yeah, have to make him feel involved." He said and looked at Kyle. I looked at Kyle too.

Seeing his expression, I tried to muffle in my laughter.

He looked like a kid, who had said a lie to escape from the situation and now that situation he is in, feels like turning back time and admitting that he was wrong at that time.

"Sir Valla, haven't you heard the reports these day?" I asked.

"Which one... are you talking about?" Sir Vallas asked.

"Oh, a traveler mentioned that southern natives enjoy western jokes." He said.

"Ah! No wonder he looked tortured to me." Sir Vallas said and I nodded.

"Thank You, Miss Aesther, for understanding me." Kyle said and smiled.

"Anytime." I said.

"Oh, it looks like you both have something you both need to talk to. I then will be leaving." Sir Vallas said and excused himself.

"Thank You so much. You really helped me out there." Kyle said. "Don't mention it. Anyway what's the matter? You asked my maid to inform me." I said.

"Oh yeah. It's about you, those letters. I was actually quite surprised with your positive replies." He said.

"I really hate to destroy the good mood, but I was actually being sarcastic." I said.

He looked at me wide eyed.

"I know. And I am sorry too." I said.

"No, no, no. You shouldn't be the one apologizing. It was my fault. I just let my bird fly to your household. That must have been very shocking right?" He asked.

"But you see, seeing you in person, I think we can start from square one." I said.

"Deal." He said.

"Don't forget that you are the one who proposed this idea." He said.

"I would never." I said.

"Then we will go hunting tomorrow." He said. 

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