(#52) Princess

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"Is there anything wrong with the gift, Your Highness?" Lindon asked.

"Nonsense." A voice rang through the Imperial Hall.

"How can there be anything wrong with me?" A female voice asked.

She was a young girl, maybe just turned twenty. She had a complicated aura with an innocent smile.

She gave me a feeling of someone. Someone whom I know already, but is not with me right now.

If I am not wrong her being a gift most probably means that the country is proposing a marriage alliance between the two countries.

"Your Highness, her..." Lindon looked at The King with a pleading look.

"I am Velena Dian Maria D'Gelenia. I am the Youngest Princess of the Gelna Empire." She said and bowed.

"Princess Velena of Gelna, what makes you come a long way to Avalon?" Lindon asked.

"Princess Velena came from Gelna hoping that Crown Prince will agree with the marriage alliance between Avalon and Gelna. Seems like I was worried for nothing." Princess Velena said.

Anger was boiling within me from inside out. But I held it in completely as I clenched my hands into a fist.

"Looks to me as if you one-sided crush is being taken away," Albert said.

Let alone one-sided, it is not even a crush anymore. We have even...

The thought enough made my face go red.

"Don't tell me that your anger makes your face flushed," Albert said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I said.

I was not going to waste time explaining and all anyway.

"But there is a problem, Princess Velena." The King said.

Finally a problem. An involuntary smile crept up my face.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" Princess Velena said.

"There is actually a custom of asking the bride and groom, the permission of their marriage three times before their marriage, to ensure complete contentment." The King said.

Princess's face went down for a moment. But in the flash of the moment, it lit up again.

"It wouldn't be a matter of course. Crown Lindon has already consented to his marriage with me. It will be just a ceremonial matter." Princess Velena said.

But the odd thing was that Princess only tried to make it sound like she was fine.

In fact, she was starting to get scared.

But why? Is she getting black-mailed from the King or something?

Then she should be tensed from the beginning. But she just got scared recently?

I think my hair will go grey from thinking about the reason behind it.

"But Your Highness," Count Barrel stood up.

"What is the matter, Count Barrel?" The King asked.

"It is true that His Highness's illness is not that dangerous anymore. But it will still be unfair to Princess Velena if she is marrying the Crown Prince." Count Barrel said.

I smiled.

I forgot about this matter. The Aristocrats will definitely oppose this wedding as this will increase the disadvantage of Prince Louise.

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