(#9)Unwanted Companion

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"Have you thought it through, My Lady?" Belle asked. "Good Belle, I am going to be fine. It's not like I'm going to die." I said. "But still this is dangerous." She said.

"I want to do something of worth for the House of Aesther." I said. "But Young Master Aesther didn't ask for it." Belle said.

"This is something that I know is right. And I am also sure that my Father supports me in this. Why should I ask Father? He also might not agree thinking that this will hurt me. So, it's up to me." I said.

"No one asked you to do this." She said. "I, Anastasia Aesther, don't work according to the likes of others. Everything I do, will be for the golden future of the House of Aesther." I said.

"As much as I know how dangerous this, I am happy for the change that you have went through, My Lady." Belle said.

"What did I tell you to call me in private?" I asked. "A-Ana." She stuttered. I grinned. "See. No so hard, right?" I asked.

"Look." I said as I reached the end of the stairs.

The specialty of this place was that, from this position, one can view the whole courtyard.

I remember, in my past life, I and Maylene, used to watch the knights practicing in the courtyard, from this position. We used to giggle telling how much handsome one is, over another.

I shook my head. "Oh My Goodness, Ana, you are alright, right?" Belle asked. I smirked.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She asked. "Because you just called me Ana." I said. Her face suddenly went red in color. She then his her face with her palm.

"Hey, Come on. I like it when you call me Ana. I was only too happy to hear you say that." I said.

"Yes, Ana. Now what were we going to talk about?" She asked and I looked around for a minute, trying to remember.

"Ah, yeah. I want you to stand from this point of view and check me. You can view the whole courtyard from here. So, I want you to monitor me." Said and she nodded.

I heaved a sigh. "My Lady we can still go back." She said. "No. I want to do this." I said and she nodded in understanding.

I walked into the courtyard to the first formers. Sir Cross was the one leading them. I walked towards him.

When I got near him, the batch of first formers began to lower their voice.

"Ah! I forgot to tell you all. Today, a new Dame will be joining into the army of the House of Aesther." Sir Cross said to the first formers and turned to me.

"Now, introduce yourself." He said.

Shit, among all that I had prepared, I forgot about my name. Well, this is a name, what is so hard about it.

"Ella." I told to his face. Then I turned around to face the first squad. "Ella Auburn." I said. Shit, why did I say Auburn? That is the name of my maternal side.

"Auburn?" Sir Cross, for the first time in my past life and present life looked at me with interest.

In my past life, like everyone else, even Sir Cross looked at me with a look of disappointment. And the first time he saw me, was when I was receiving the punishment for falling into the Holy Pond.

Thankfully, in this life, the first time him seeing me, will not be for a bad cause.

"No wonder I was told about your name." He said.

"Respected Sir, I left the House of Auburn for the same reason that I hope that you would not create here." I said.

He nodded with understanding. "I never thought that an Auburn Lady, or any family member would call me, Respected Sir." He said.

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