(#54) New Supporters

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"Lady, I have called all the Training teachers of the Aesther Army for a meeting as per your request," Belle said.

"Good," I said, as I kept down the book I was reading.

"Are there any knights in the room?" I asked.

"No, My Lady," Belle said.

"Assign Rais to there," I said.

"Alright," Belle said.

"This meeting is very important. It will be in this meeting that I disclose my identity to the Aesther Family." I said.

"Aesther Family?" Belle asked.

"Yes, after the meeting with the Coaches, I will declare my identity to the knights and dames of House Aesther. They deserve the truth." I said.

"Alright. I will make arrangements for that too." Belle said and I nodded.

I then got up and walked towards the meeting room.

As I entered the meeting room, all eyes were on me.

"Dear Dame, I think you have headed to the wrong room." The Coaches told.

"No, I am indeed in the right room," I said, smiling.

"Oh, Did Young Lady Aesther ask you to come?" One of the coaches asked.

"You are partly correct," I said and sat on the chair meant for the meeting leader to sit, which is the seat of my Father. Only the Aesther bloodline is supposed to sit on that throne.

And when I sat, the Coaches eyebrows winkled.

"Don't tell me..." It seemed like one of the coaches (excluding Sir Cross) understood the situation.

"Yes, you are right," I said, smiling.

"What do you mean?" The others asked.

"Greetings to the Knight Instructors of Aesther Household," I said and bowed.

"I am, Anastasia D'Laina Aesther. The Future Mistress of Aesther Household." I said and sat on that chair.

Then all the instructors stood and greeted me.

"GREETINGS TO LADY ANASTASIA, THE FUTURE MISTRESS OF AESTHER HOUSEHOLD." They all said and I raised my hands, for them to settle down.

They all sat.

"I called all of you to this meeting, because the times ahead, are going to be a little narrow. And I," I said and stood up and bowed half.

"Would like to ask for your support," I said.

"Miss Aesther," Someone called.

Miss? It seems like some of these members refuse to accept me as their leader.

Well, can't blame them. Even I wouldn't trust my own self from three to four months ago.

"Yes?" I answered.

"You entered the army training with a fake identity. That was the first lie. And Aesthers," The Coach said and stopped there.

"NEVER LIES." Everyone said together.

"There must be a start to end. And I thought that entering the army would be the best start." I said and sat down.

"I never lied. Besides you see, Elle is just a name." I said.

"So the name of the household is also just a name right?" Another coach asked me in a mocking manner.

"It was not exactly a lie. My Mother is from the Auburn family. So technically I am a member of the Auburn Family too." I said.

I saw some coaches smiling among themselves.

The one stood up.

"Young Lady Aesther. I acknowledge you as the Future Heiress of the Aesther Family." He said and many more did the same.

"But still, wits aren't the only thing that determines a leader." One of the oldest coaches said.

"Sure it isn't. And she has proved that she has strength too." Sir Cross said.

"Please specify, Sir Cross." The Coach asked.

"You all know about the rumor of a knight trainee defeating me, right?" He asked.

"No Way!" The coach exclaimed and I smiled.

Then the Coach got up and bowed.

"I am very sorry for not being able to detect your talent. I acknowledge you as the Heiress of Aesther Household." The Coach said.

"Never mind. You not being able to detect also means that I did a good job hiding it." I said and the Coach smiled.

"May we know what your next plan is, My Lady?" One of the Coaches asked.

"I next plan to tell my identity to the next the knights of Aesther Family," I said.

"A question, My Lady." One of the Coaches said and I nodded my head initiating him to continue.

"Did Sir Cross know before of your identity?" That Coach asked.

"He did find it out," I said.

"You did?" A Coach asked Sir Cross.

"Well, it wasn't that hard. After all, not everyone knows that Balance techniques." Sir Cross said and the whole lot was filled with 'No Ways', 'Whoa' et cetera.

"Balance technique and the Golden Balance technique." Sir Cross said and that got everyone to get up from their seats from shock.

"We didn't know that you were such a talent, My Lady." One coach said.

"Aesther Household will surely prosper under your guidance." Another said.

"It will, with all of your support," I said.

"We are willing to completely follow your guidance, My Lady." One said ad the other all agreed.

I then got up.

"It is indeed the luck of Aesther Household to acquire such open-minded teachers," I said.

I left soon then.

I then went to the Knights Arena and told them the Truth.

Everyone was shocked and stiff for a moment. But they all accepted it happily.

"Zin, I think you should be more aware," James said.

"I completely agree. Now our Lady knows all of our bad habits and good habits." Liam said and I smiled.

"Come on. You all are my brothers and sisters. You can't tell like that." I said and all the boy's face blushed.

We had a good time afterward.

It will be very hard for you to defeat me now. 


Special Note For Readers.

As usual, I would like to thank you all for the support you have given me. And if you people have any suggestions, please don't forget to comment.

Don't forget to vote comment and Follow. 

So, till next time, 

Je t'aime💕💕

Last updated on 17-11-2020

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