(#12)An Extract From the Past

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"Welcome, Young Lady Aesther." A maid greeted as we entered the palace.

I raised my hands. Bella bowed in response.

I smiled. "I was informed that Miss Maylene called me. May you please tell me where she is?" I asked and the complexion of the maid went bewildered.

But she suddenly changed it. She then presented herself with a warm smile.

"This way, Lady Aesther." She said and bowed. I nodded while smiling.

She then brought us to the writing room of Prince Louis.

We three used to play here so much. But now, thinking back on it, everything seemed to be a plan, and I seemed to be a chess piece. Only a chess piece.

I heaved a sigh. "My Lady, is there anything that matters?" Belle asked. I smiled. "Nothing to worry about, Belle." I said and she nodded.

"We have reached, Lady Aesther." The maid bowed and I nodded.

I knocked on the great oak-grained tree. "Yes, you may come in." I heard a commanding voice. It belonged to Maylene. The real one. The unveiled one.

"Maylene," I said and pushed open the door. "It's me." I said and got in.

"Oh My, Ana!" Marylene got up and came to me, quickly changing her complexion.

"This maid is accompanying you?" Maylene's disapproval was unveiled. "Yeah." I said and looked at Belle. "Father wants her around me." I told Maylene.

"Oh, it can't be helped then." She said and I smiled.

"Yes, and Belle-a won't be a bother. She will stand in some corner or look out of the window." I said and looked at Belle. She nodded.

"That's good then." Maylene sighed.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" I asked. "Oh, I heard about an interesting game. I want to try it out." She said.

"Oh sure. What is it?" I asked. "A story in the letter." She said, smiling. "I am sorry?" I acted confused.

"I know. It's normal to get confused. It's a game that is practiced in the northern part of the country. It is about writing a story in a letter to your friend, or that is how it looks like." She said and I nodded.

"We will both choose a topic and will write to each other, how does that sound?" Marylene asked, her face plastered with fake curiosity.

I smiled. "If it is something that you," my betrayed friend, "My dear friend wants, then how can I not help her fulfill a wish?" I asked.

"Aw... you are so nice. I sometimes wonder if I deserve a friend like you." She said. Yeah, you don't. But I smiled.

"In fact Maylene, this something I wonder a lot too. Do I really deserve," such a treacherous friend "such a good friend like you." I said and Maylene laughed.

"And Bella?" I called Belle. "Yes My Lady?" Belle bowed. "Please do not disturb us in the meantime. You can watch the view or do anything." I said.

I didn't miss the victorious look on Maylene's voice.

"So, we will start." Maylene said and took the quill and was about to start.

I smirked. Too eager, aren't you? "Maylene we haven't decided the topic yet. If you want me to write in any topic we can do that." I said and was about to start write.

"No, no, no." Maylene stopped me. "Let me think." She said and acted like she was thinking. "Oh!" She was like, she was struck with an amazing idea.

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