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After a couple days Jimin felt like he was making steady progress with payments. He was now at 38k which meant he was basically halfway there.

"Get out of my way you little pussy!" Jimin shoved a kid with glasses out of his way as he walked down the hall of his college building to get out of the place. His class had just ended and he had a shift at Sweet Alpaca.

"What the fuck! Don't you dare push my friend you asshole!"

Jimin stopped in his tracks. He pondered if turning around was worth it. He hadn't gotten in any major fights at school lately. He was saving his energy for UWZ. He sighed and continued walking.

"That's what I thought you motherfucking pussy! Not so tough when Taemin and Kai aren't around huh?"

Jimin's nose flared as he turned swiftly to see who had dared try to disrespect him. The halls weren't that full but a few students had stopped to take in the commotion. It was a guy with black curly hair. He was taller than Jimin. Pretty handsome too. It's too bad Jimin would have to ruin his perfect face. His eyes darted to the boy with the glasses. He was about Jimin's height with white hair.

Jimin winced as he cracked his sore knuckles and stalked forward. "Come at me pretty boy, and let's make this quick. I have places to go."

The taller glared at him and lunged forward, throwing a sloppy punch. Jimin dodged it lazily and socked him right in the gut.

"Fuck!" the dark haired man screamed, holding on to his stomach.

"Taehyung!" His friend scrambled forward to help him.

"Yoongi get back!"

"Yeah Yoongi. I don't want to have to hurt you too." Jimin snickered and just when Taehyung lifted his body, he threw a right and knocked him to the ground. "You need to watch your mouth kid. Think before you talk and act all tough. " He looked over at Yoongi who was cowering in fear by the lockers, "Go on. Help your boyfriend to the nurse." He gestured for Yoongi to go forward and winked as he spun on his heels and walked off.

Jimin rolled his eyes when he reached his motorcycle, "That was so unnecessary and not worth it at all. I could have saved my energy, he didn't even put up a good fight." he thought to himself.

He rode to Sweet Alpaca and got ready for his shift.

"Hey darling. How was class today?"

Oh how Jimin loved Jin. He was the sweetest person he'd ever met. A smile bloomed on his face as he took over the cash register, "It was good, thanks for asking Jinnie."

They chitchatted until the next customer came in.

"Mrs. Walsh! How are you? How is Doug?" Jimin knew a lot of the customers by name. They loved him...the real him.

"Ah Min, I can say I look better than you. You look so tired Honey. Doug is fine. He's why I'm here after all. He doesn't shut up about your macaroons. I'll take the usual." Jimin giggled as she handed him the cash.

Jin came out with a box full of a dozen macaroons.

Mrs. Walsh laughed, "Oh how predictable I have become. Thank you Seokjin. Take care of Min, he looks tired my dear."

"You're welcome Mrs. Walsh. I will. Don't worry. I plan to send this little critter home early today." Jin smiled and waved as the woman nodded and bid them farewell.

Jimin smiled at their parental antics.

"I was serious you know. You do look very tired. I'm sending you home at your break time." Before Jimin could object, Jin disappeared into the kitchen.

"I see the great big Fire is nothing but a small flame."

Jimin whipped his head up to see the person who had used his alias.

Let Me Love You: Chasing Fire (Jikook) *COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now