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I angrily wash my hands, violently pumping soap into my palms. Was our friendship some kind of a joke to him, because for me it was real. It was so real.

Are my emotions a laughing matter? Is this a punishment from God? I'm bewildered and wounded as to why Bush would take advantage of me, hijacking my trust.

I yank the poster clean off the wall, tears spilling down my cheeks. I hate how vulnerable I feel right now, so much has happened theses past few weeks that I'm slowly morphing out of control. With Michelle leaving, Bush's betrayed, not to mention Mitt Romney. I'm left looking like a complete fool. I'm just hurt, painstakingly hurt.

Without due considerately; I should have expected this. Bush is a republican, I'm a democratic. We're like two contradicting magnets with colossal disagreements. We were believing in an acquaintanceship that was bewitched from the beginning.

I give into the urge of shredding the poster into pieces, picking up a handful of ripped paper sobbing hysterically.

Be the president they said, it'll be fun. It'll be fun they said.

I feel powerless, wanting nothing else but someone who cares. Honestly, I've been having a tough time with being Mr. President lately. My rating have gone down; I'm extremely exhausted all the time. They act like it's easy, but it's the hardest job in America, if you ask me.

I have two options of how I want to approach Bush after what when down in the bathroom. One, I flush the poster down the toilet pretending nothing happened. Or two, confront him.

I grab all the tiny pieces from the poster, walking out the bathroom door, tears threatening to pour down my cheeks. Going with option number two.

"Bush." My voice cracking.

Bush looks at his feet not saying anything.

"I can explai--"

I cut him off by angrily throwing the ripped campaign poster, like confetti, in his lying old face.

Done with this cheating booty.

I storm out of the front door, tears non-stop sliding down my flushed face. I decide to walk to the party, I'll be early but it better then fighting with bush.

I try to calm myself down but I'll torn, Bush's betrayal really ripped some large chucks out of my emotional balance.

I start to wonder if Clinton knew he was a Mitt fan the whole time, and just didn't tell me. I think that stings the most, knowing he possibly kept a secret that is breaking me apart right now.

When I arrive at the party, my cheeks aren't stained, tears are not flowing, but my heart is numb. My heart is numb from all the pain, I'm glad tho, because I know for sure I won't cry at the party.

I'm early to the celebration, food table are being set up, security is chatting, some are socializing, it's a pretty chill atmosphere. So I know I won't loose footing on my togetherness.

No one saw me when I entered so, I hide in the bathroom until it's later because the president is usually fashionably late. So I freshen up by combing my hair, using the restroom, and posing in the mirror.

When it's an acceptable time to make an appearance, I leave the men's room, waltzing down the hallway to the main room.

"Hello," I firmly state smiling at Hillary as she gushes about her new campaign, asking for any tips on how to win.

"Just be yourself," I nod giving her a small smile,"Be honest, show you're a strong women for the future."


As I'm sampling goodies, chatting with friends, I notice a man with a navy blazer over a white collar shirt, tucked into what seems like mama jeans talking to Michelle.

My heart drops, What if I'm replaced? Clouds of worry swamp me, making my head pound.

I tap the mystery man's shoulder, revealing someone I never would've expected. I loose my footing, stumbling backwards into the floor.

It's Mitt Romney.


Oh snap, it's getting real. The story ends in the next chapter so don't worry about it being too long. We hit 700 reads this week!! I'm honestly thrilled, I never expected to get this much attention on this story. I'm going to be writing other stories so stay tuned for updates. They won't be president themed, so sorry if I crushed for world. lol. But love you guys!! Hugs and kisses xoxo

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