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Mitt, surprisingly, offers his hand to help me up. He lifts me so I'm standing directly in front of him and Michelle.

Michelle and I awkwardly say hi, looking around, trying not to be too gawky.

Mitt clears his throat, "Barrack, may I speak with you in private please?" His tone light and neighborly.

I nod, some how I'm not nervous encompassing him, I'm a little on edge as to why he would ask me to talk to him. I hope he isn't planning to murder or attack me.

He tugs me in a small room, turning on the lights.

Mitt makes direct eye contact, "I just wanted to apologize for I way I acted at the golf course. It was entirely unprofessional and discourteous. I harbored some heavy bitterness towards you for quite awhile, it's a titanic of heavy tribulation when losing such a hefty election and I didn't handle it very gentlemanly. I know you have never lost an election, but it's not easy being the laughing stock of the country. Feeds on tumblr are coated with memes, video edits, and voice recordings all making fun of me. After losing, I wanted to hide from the world, I became insecure and uncertain about myself. I felt like a complete failure, like I had brought dishonor, abusing the Romney name. So I became abominable and malicious to you." He grabbed both my hand looking me dead in the eyes,"I'm sorry Barack." His voice cracking.

He looked down, a small tear sledding down his flushed cheek. But I gently wiped it, cupping his face so we were making eye contact.

"I believe in redemption, Governor Romney," a small smile tugs on his lips from the nickname I've given him, "Forgiveness is a beautiful thing, that's why I'm extending all of mine too you."

Mitt shuffles his feet,"Thanks."

"I..I also have something else I want to tell you," he says avoiding my gaze.

His apology was unexpected but so appreciated. I never thought that even though I had control over what America did in wars, he had his own war at mind.

Mitt clears his throat, his breath shaky," I'm in love with you. I have unconditionally, without omission fallen for you. I know I was vicious towards you for awhile but it was just me trying to figure out my feelings. I was in great denial not wanting to believe in adoration toward my opposing candidate. I knew since that first debate I was completely and utterly in love with you. When I shook your hand for I the first time I felt an immense spark of electricity. I want you Barack, Forever." I look into his shining blue eyes, they're soft, with a hint of plead.

Right now I feel overwhelmed, I had never contemplated that maybe his saltiness against me was just Mitt formulating his titillations.

"But Michelle?" I reluctantly reciprocate.

Mitt shakes his head slowly; flashing me a sympathetic expression.

"Michelle's been homie hopping."

"What do you mean?" Uneasiness raining in my tone.

"Well," Mitt licks his lips,"I heard through the grapevine that there's been a raging scandal involving your wife. Michelle, supposedly, came on to Joe Biden while you were away and tonight she was hitting on me."

I'm honestly so flabbergasted, Why would Michelle play me like that? This is a year's harvest of rue, heart sickness, and blues. I have legitimately hit rock bottom, and I've spilled all the milk.

I bring my hands to eyes, trying to cover up the fact that I'm crying.

Turning on the waterworks in front of my once antagonistic rival, I have collapsed into a toxic abyss full of darkness.

As I'm weeping uncontrolledly, I feel Romney embrace me into a gentle hug whispering comforting words. "It's okay," he hums meekly into my ear,"It's okay."

When my sobs begin to drift, I realize I had completely fallen in love with his charm.

"I love you too." I boldly state, kissing his crimson cheeks.

My hands intertwines with Mitt's as He leans in, gazing into my eyes. Our lips passionately meet, molding perfectly. Bolts of electricity radiate through my body. I gasp slightly, Romney taking this as an invitation for his warm tongue to trickle into my pie hole. His tantalizing breath tastes like a well-seasoned steak.

Romney may be republican but he is certainly not conservative with me.

He pulls away from the kiss, grabbing both my hands, beaming with satisfaction.

"Marry me?" He queries confidently,"Let's run away, where no one can find us. We can hangout before summer ends and just lay in bed together reading fanfic. Marry me?"


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