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"Thought you could get rid of me that easily Mr. President," Romney chuckles.

A golf cart swoops out of nowhere, it stops and out comes trouble.

Rick Perry and John McCain.

Perry and McCain jog up to Romney, they then do a group belly bump.

Clinton decided to then do the most idiotic thing by shouting,"What are you five?" He then drops his hands to his knees laughing at his terrible comeback.

Romney makes a judgmental expression toward Clinton, but he's too busy laughing at his own joke to notice.

This whole relationship issue may be bigger then I thought.

Perry breaks Clinton's happy state by remarking,"At least my wife loves me."

I swallow hard. This isn't fair, they shouldn't punish Clinton for the rivalry Perry, Romney, and McCain have against me. I thought the harshness and competitiveness of the election would leave after one of us became president, but that's evidently not how politic's work.

"Lol Clinton your such a baby," McCain laughs. I look over at Clinton, his eyes are glossy and his bottom lip trembles.

"We must say were a big fan of your matching outfits, especially the pink vest," They all burst into laughter.

I knew we should've gotten the brown sweater vest instead.

Clinton blinks rapidly, his smile comes back,"Thanks I picked it out."

I facepalm.

He doesn't understand the sarcasm, sometimes he's so embarrassing.

I quickly grab Clinton by the elbow dragging him off of the course.

We walk back to the White House in silence.

When we arrive Michelle is smiling at the doorstep. "My meeting ended early," she turns to Clinton,"Would you like to join us for supper? Tonight's pizza dinner."

He eagerly nods his head exclaiming,"Yes please!"

"Alright, how about you and Michelle pick out a film in the media room while I order the pizza," I say.

I Order half pepperoni, half cheese because it's the best of both world.

One of the finest qualities of the White House is the pizza. They have a special chef dedicated to just pizza, I hired him after winning my second term, one of the best decisions I've every made. His name is Mark, he's pure Italian. But he has a thick accent, so sometimes nobody can understand what the heck he's saying.

Mark says when he's done he'll bring the pizza to the media room, that way I won't miss anything.

When I get to the media room Michelle and Clinton are fighting over movies. Clinton wants to watch Shrek and Michelle wants to watch Tangled, but since Clinton's the guest he wins.

I take the DVD case out of Clinton's hand, open it and plop the disk in the DVR.

"Nothing like a good Dreamworks movie," Clinton state.

"That's for sure," I chuckle.

The movie plays for about eight minutes then Mark arrives with the pizza. The thing about Mark is he's dramatic. So he cuts the pizza vicoursley, with an intense expression, while Clinton is yelling,"SLAY!" repeatedly. Mark then passes the slices out, Clinton offers him to stay and watch Shrek, but he quickly declines.

Michelle and I nimble quietly on our slices while Clinton scarfs down his. Clinton reaches for his sixths when Michelle finally says,"I think you've had enough."

When the movie ends, I walk Clinton to the door.

"Thanks dude, had a blast today," he says running to fetch a taxi.

I shake my head shouting my goodbye, he's definitely something.

When I turn around Michelle is standing in the doorway,"Let's go sit on the patio and talk," her eyes shine and her lips tugged into the perfect smile.

I follow her to the Kennedy's garden. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy helped design it, it's Michelle's favorite.

Mr. President (Obamney)Where stories live. Discover now