Part 3

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Aaaaand part 3 :)


The next morning you wake up with the worst hangover. Growling you climb out of bed and slurp downstairs.

"Morning sleeping beauty!", Wonho smirks and Mila immediately jumps up. Growling you massage your temples after falling on one of the chairs.

"Fuck...", you whisper but smile as Mila puts a cup of coffee in front of you and presses a kiss on your cheek.

"Sorry for last night...", you whisper sheepishly. "Did I misbehave a lot?"
Wonho and Mila exchange smiling gazes until the broad guy shrugs. "Not more than you used to!"

"Oh gawwwd!", you whine and hide your face in your hands. "Thank you for bringing me home!"

Mila forrows her brows. "That wasn't us.."

Immediately you begin to panic and rip your eyes open. "Don't tell me I drove by myself?!"

Again the fiancés look at each other and you hate their expression. Cause you have no idea what's going on.

"You wanted to...", Mila mumbles. "but then um..."

"What?", you ask harshly as she stops talking.

"Kyun took care of you...."

You feel your body trembling as if you missed a step. Gulping you stare at the table. Pictures flicker up inside your mind. How you guys were fighting. And ... oh fuck you puked! Groaning and whining, you let your head fall on the table. "Why him?"

"Better him than anyone else", Wonho giggles. "He knows you at least..."

You feel this urge need to punch someone. Firstly you, then him, then Wonho and Mila for letting this happen. You used to be so responsible. When the hell did you turn 17 again?

"We need to do some last-minute stuff for the wedding!", Mila explains over your whining and you raise your head. "But we don't need your help. What do you wanna do today?"

You don't want to do this but you're afraid you have to. So you look at your best friend and to Wonho shyly and clear your throat.
"Can you...", you mumble. "Give me Kyuns address?"

After Wonho has brought you back to the bar to get your car, you drive up to that address he has given you. And you feel your stomach turning again. But you're not sure if it's because of him or your hangover. Are you even allowed to drive already?

"You gotta be fucking kidding me...", you mumble as you drive down that small path to Kyun's house.

You know this place. You know it all too well. Never in your life you'd forget those wildflower-meadow. With shaky legs you get out and knock hesitantly.

"Jesus Christ...", Kyun growls after opening the door and is about to close it again.

"Kyun wait!", you press your hand against the wood to keep it open. "I'm not here to fight..."

For a long moment you look at each other. And the longer you feel his eyes on yours, the more you feel like throwing up. At the same time you're so confused... shouldn't there be only hate? But you feel a little part in your body ... craving for his embrace. His touch. Yep. You're definitely still drunk!

Kyun sighs and takes a step back, lets you enter. He walks through the little house, collects stuff and throws them in a big bag on the sofa while you look around curiously. This house is beautiful. Cozy. Everything you always dreamed of. This fucker.

"Thank you for last night...", you say as he appears again and throws a shirt in his bag. "I don't know what happened. Wasn't really myself.."

He scoffs and closes the bag.
"Can't assess that...", he says nonchalantly without looking at you. "I have no idea who you are..."

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