Prologue/Chapter 1: The Beginning

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My new werewolf story! :) lol

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I dipped my paintbrush in the paintbrush my mother had given be two days before for my birthday. I lightly pressed the end of the brush to the snow white paper and brought it smoothly across, drawing a thin long brown line, making the trunk and branches of a large mysterious willow tree. I grabbed a different brush and continued to draw small delicate little leaves.

"George you know what? I've had enough. I am fucking sick of you bring your little whores in OUR house and screwing them while our DAUGHTER is under the same damn roof. I've put up with this for her sake but I've had enough!"

I heard my mother shout from the living room down stairs. I frowned. Mommy didn't like daddy's friends very much. Every time he would bring one of those woman home she would have a fit and cry. But I didn't care for them either. They were really loud. Some nights I would here daddy's friends scream from the room down the hall. It was distracting and I never could sleep.

"Fine then Molly leave. See if I give a damn. And do you think the judge will give you custody? You are an unemployed 25 year old. Do you think they would choose you over the father, who earns more money a month then most do in a year? Do you think they'll give custody to a whore?" he screamed back at her.

I flinched. I knew what was coming next. It happened so many times I knew what I had to do. I ran down stairs and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and placed it in front of the refrigerator. I started to climb up it when I heard my mom scream. I paused and listened closely. "You think hitting me will make you feel like a man?" my mother screamed at him.

I waited a second until I heard her scream again then whimper. "Feel like a man yet?" my mom asked. She cried out in pain two seconds later. I hurried up and brought the ice out the fridge. I took out several pieces and put them in a plastic bag. Then I took out my mommy's favorite drink from the cabinet. I poured the contents of the bottle in a glass and watched as the blood red color filled the small slender cup to almost the brim. I then processed to grab the first aid kit out of the bottom shelf.

I let out a small cry when my mom screamed one last agony filled scream and I heard my dad come into the kitchen. I looked at my dads haggard face and knew I was too late. I felt a sharp pain as his hand hit me across the face. I didn't cry out. I was smarter than that. I was a good girl. I went quickly to the fridge again and pulled out a can and gave it to my father.

I looked into his dark eyes hoping he wasn't too angry at me. He just opened he can took a drink and smiled. "Skyler sweetie you know daddy does the things he does because he loves you." I nodded numbly my eyes filled with anger and hate as he patted my head and walked out the door. I waited for a while until I heard his car leave the driveway.

I then grabbed the ice and set it in the first aid kit and then grabbed the glass filled with the red juice my mommy liked and went to the living room. My mom was laying on the floor next to the now broken coffee table ,glass all over the place. I went over to her and handed her the glass. My mom smiled weakly and gratefully took the glass and drank it in one gulp.

"It's okay mommy. I'll fix you up then you can go to bed okay? You can sleep in my room. I'll even give you my bed." I told her. She smiled her blue eyes filled with some unknown emotion. Her blond hair pulled into a now messed up pony tail blood dripping down her face. I saw glass in the cut she had at her hair line.

I reached into the box and grabbed a pair of tweezers and a small tin bowl. Then I started to slowly and carefully pull the glass out of her wound. She just sat there emotionless as I picked each piece of glass out of her cut one by one. When there was no more glass I looked at her looking at the damage. I sighed this was the part I hated the most. I was just glad this rarely happened. I grabbed a cotton ball and poured what was called rubbing alcohol on it and brought it over my mom's cuts. Then I took out a needle and string. I threaded the needle then took out a lighter and heated up the tip of the needle doing just as Kelly my mother's best friend had told me to do a year ago. I had watched her do this ever since I could remember, she would always come over and help my mommy. But now I was old enough so she didn't have to. Kelly was a nurse she even treated my broken leg I had when I fell off the swing set.

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