Chapter 16: I Love You Part 2

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I Love You: Part 2.

Alice's POV:

I looked at him stunned. He loved me? Had I heard him right? Was I dreaming? I was obviously dreaming because no way would Leo have said that normally. I looked down at my arm and shrugged.

Why not? Mind of as well test my 'I'm in a dream' theory.

So I pinched my forearm as hard as I could. I cringed in pain and watched as a small amount of blood pooled from myself made wound. Well I wasn't asleep at least. But I was stupid. I just self mutilated myself over a mishearing. A simple misunderstanding.

Leo gasped at what I had done and was about to say something when I heard a sound. Both Leo and my head turned to see Justin standing on the porch with a shocked expression. Within seconds his shocked expression turned into rage as he stormed up to Leo so quickly I didn't even see him move. I looked at him shocked. But he ignored m presence completely.

He grabbed Leo by his collar and threw him up against a tree. Leo looked at him with a confused face that quickly turned to anger. "So is that it? Since you can have her, no one else can? You can go ahead and marry Colleen and make pretty babies and be generally happy. But she has to be thrown into a miserable life filled with loneliness because you can't let her be with someone else? Is that it Mr.Alpha. She isn't just yours. She's mine to." Leo snarled.

I watch in pure horror and confusion as Justin started to shake uncontrollably then turned to look at me. I watched has his face fell and morphed into a look of complete agony. What had he seen to make him so sad? I was worried for him. I wanted so badly to make him smile. But he just turned around and ran into the woods and disappeared.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Leo said to me. He then took me into his arms and hugged me tightly to his chest. “Please don’t cry.” He said. I was about to tell him I wasn’t crying until I felt the wet moisture on my cheeks. I hadn’t even known I was crying.

I pulled out of his arms feeling self conscious. “It’s okay.” I whispered. I was so worried about Justin I felt sick to my stomach. Was he okay? Why was he so upset? “Is he going to be okay? I mean he ran into the woods! He could get lost. I think we should go after him.” I said my tone panicked. I started to walk towards the area where Justin disappeared but a hand stopped me. I turned and looked at Leo with a confused face. “We have to go get him! What if he gets hurt?”

“He’ll be fine. He’s lived here his whole life. He knows the woods like the back of his hand.” I nodded numbly. I was so consumed with worry. Just before he ran  off I could see his face. He looked so confused. So lost, I could see the pain that contorted his facial features making it so obvious to read his agony. I could almost feel his pain. My heart ached and I wanted nothing more to go after him and comfort him. “Alice.” Leo’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.


“Don’t forget what I said.” I nodded. He ‘love me.’ “I meant it.” he said firmly. He just sighed and got in the car and motioned for me to do so as well. I followed his example and slowly got into the car. Once I was in he drove off without a word. The ride was quiet; neither of us said a word. Leo didn’t love me. I said to myself. There was no way he could. He didn’t even know me. He probably just said that because I looked so much like Skyler. I felt so bad for him. The girl he loved most disappeared. At least Justin moved on, but poor Leo is still heartbroken. I could understand his confusion. I knew that he had deluded himself into loving me, because I looked so much like her.

I sighed to myself and looked out the window. The only thing I saw was the blur of unfamiliar trees, which reminded me, I didn’t know where we were even going. “Leo?”

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two MatesWhere stories live. Discover now