omg, this chapter is sorta crazy. just remember Skyler is really damaged mentally.
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Chapter ten: Leaving
Leo’s POV:
I was frozen, my body wouldn’t move. I could just stand there staring at her, her little body was shaking in fear and I knew I was the cause of it. I just wanted to crying, seeing the pain on her face made me feel completely helpless knowing she was like this because of me. When I had shifted she broke off into a sprint, running as far away from she as could.
So I followed her, I watched her as she fell to the ground and curled up into a ball and cried. I didn’t know what to do. How could I have done this to her? I felt tears run down my face as I shifted back into my human form. Knowing I was naked in public was the least of my problems, I bent down and went to hug her but she flinched away from my touch. “Go away!” she screamed, her voice breaking slightly.
I wiped my eyes as I just stared down at her. “I’m so sorry Skyler, I thought I was helping you by –“ I started.
But her hurt voice cut me off sending my body into hysterics, feeling that hate radiating from her body. “HELP ME WHAT? HELP ME REALIZE THAT THERE ARE MONSTERS ALL AROUND ME? HELPING ME BUT TELLING ME THAT THE PEOPLE I HAVE JUST BEGUN TO TRUST WERE ALL LYING TO ME?! HOW IS THE FUCKING HELPING?” she screamed, tears running down her face, just as my tears where.
“I’m so sorry Skyler, I thought that this would be better for you.”
“Better how? Really what did you think I’d be okay with this? Everyone in this stupid town is a monster.” She yelled. “You’re a monster, you are evil, go away! Just leave me alone.” She cried curling up even more.
“Skyler,” I started to say but I was again cut off by someone else’s words, someone I didn’t expect to be here.
“LEO WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Justin screamed, coming towards me in his human form, he was naked just like I was.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.
“Play games with you? You are insane! You haven’t talked to me for weeks and now you think that I’m the one playing games?” I said incredulously
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO SKYLAR?” he screamed.
Why would he care about Skyler, what I heard from her he was practically abusing her. “Why would you care? You treat her like shit most of the time. Why would you care about how she is? I LOVE Skyler, no matter what I would never hurt her, she means everything to me.” I stated, feeling the need to defend myself.
“You love Skyler, okay sure. Then why the hell is she like that? What did you do to her?” He yelled.
“I told her the truth. I told her about me, about this town.”
His eyes turned yellow as a sign of shifting, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?” he screamed.
“Because I love her, she is my mate. I had to tell her the truth about me, about who we are.” I said.
“But at her expenses. Look at her! Look at her! Do you think you did what was best? You are just selfish.”
“I’m not selfish! We were the selfish ones keeping this from her, you were being selfish when you told her brother to keep a secret from her.” I said quietly, unable to get my head wrapped around why Justin was so mad when none of this was his business, Skyler was my mate, this was my problem, he needed to fuck off and fix his own mating problem.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two Mates
WerewolfSkyler grew up watching her father beat her mother senseless. She watched as her once beautiful mother become only a shell of a woman she used to be. She vowed that she would never fall in love. Deciding to make a new start so they move halfway acro...