Skylars POV
I could feel myself. How small I had become. I literally felt compacted. Like I suddenly shrunk into such a tinier version of my original self I could fit into someone's pocket.It was a weird though for sure.
Being able to fit into someone's pocket. What in gods name was I thinking. Yet again... I wasn't truly thinking at all. Not really.
I don't know how long I had been kept down here. I don't know why I was still being kept down here. Why didn't he just kill me?
It would be so easy. I was human. All he would have to do is snap my neck. He was a freaking werewolf after all. He'd just have to wrap his furry hands around my scrawny human neck and with one little squeeze pop my head would come off!
I couldn't help but snicker to myself. The though of my head popping off reminded me oddly of when my favorite Barbie dolls head fell off. One minute she was a princess marrying her frog prince and the next pop, her head flew off! I remember watching it rolling onto the tile floor of the bathroom. I had been in there. Hiding. Hiding from my dad. I was trying to escape to my fairytale made up world by playing with my Barbie. But dad had hit mom so hard, so loud the noise had startled me. So much so I just pulled my poor little barbies head off in surprise.
That had been the only Barbie I had. I had loved that Barbie. My father had given her to me. She had red hair, a lot like mine. And blues eyes, very similar to my own.
I had really loved that Barbie.
"Oh," came a voice. "You're still alive I see. How unfortunate. I had really hoped you'd be a little more... Well you know... A little more dead."
I couldn't open my eyes. I felt as though I had a giant elephant sitting on each of my eyelids. Swollen shut. Was the term I was looking for. They were absolutely 100% swollen shut. I couldn't open them. I didn't even want to. Why bother. This man only wanted to kill me. Why give him the satisfaction of seeing the fear in my eyes while he did it.
"You know, it's nothing personal." He paused as if waiting to see if I would respond. When I didn't he continued talking "you see I just couldn't let my brother mate with a human. It just isn't natural. It isn't right. You humans are just so destructive in nature. You kill each other, the planet. You are all so toxic. You're parasites. You infect and worm your way into everything and everyone you come in contact with and you destroy things from the inside out. It's disgusting." Again a pause.
I waited for him to continue talking. "Justin, he loved you, loves you I guess. When he met you, he struggled with himself. Please. Don't ever think he was a bad alpha. No he was just confused when he met you. He's natural instinct was to put you first. But I applaud him in fighting against it for the pack. He knew mating a human would cause a problem. He knew as much as his natural drive was to be with you, he pack would be better off with no Luna then a human one. But he loved you still. He would have put you first eventually if you hadn't run off when you did. Thank you for that. You did give him a little time to realize his priorities were to the pack. He stopped looking for you. But poor Leo, Leo did not that fucking idiot. But better you be with him then my brother. When I came looking for you I was thrilled you know, finally I could tie up lose ends. This way at least if you'd never come back to take my brother away. I went to kill you as a safety measure. Who knew that would backfire and end up back here?
Did you know a human killed my mate?" Another pause. More shuffling. I could just hear his brain turning and his mind going a hundred miles a minute. His breathing increased. He was upset.
"Yes. A human. She was so young. We were so young. We still had so much living to do. She wanted took to the mall a few towns over. I couldn't go with her. I had pack duties that day. So she and her friends decided to go. They borrowed her mothers car. On the way there a semi hit them. The car toppled over and rolled several feet. Ejecting two of the girls. She was the only one stuck under the wreckage. Now normally something like this wouldn't be that big of an issue. We're werewolves. Not a lot can kill us easily. But my mate, she was weaker then the others. Smaller. Not as strong as she should have been. But she what she lacked in physical strength she made up with in sheer determination. Her friends say she was struggling to free herself half transformed when the driver came to check up on her. She was calling for help. She was begging for help actually. Her legs had been crushed under the car. The driver didn't help though. No. He went back to his truck and got his gun."I held my breath, I could feel the wet tears run down my face and could taste the salt on my lips.
"Skylar do you know what he did next?... He shot her. He killed her."
Nick paused for awhile once more. I could hear his own sobs ringing throughout the basement walls. I felt bad for him. Ironic but I did. Here was this awful guy who tried to kill me twice, is keeping me away from the love of my life yet I felt for him. I felt so much pity for him. He was broken.
"So you see..." He began speaking once more "that's why I can't have you with my brother. Even if you were to accept who he is which you clearly don't, you know since you ran away from him., you would be the death of him in other ways. You humans are so weak. Incredibly so. I could hug you to tightly and squeeze your insides out. You would be a target. What would happen to him when you died? He'd be a mess... Now I know your thinking, "nick you want me dead..."" Suddenly there was a switch in his voice. Suddenly he sounded a bit more stiff awkward, more unstable, his words came flowing quickly and choppy, he sounded deranged. "But but...but... You dying like this... Before you two mates.... Well...well it wouldn't hurt as badly! You know what I mean! I know you know! You love him! We both love him! We want him happy! And if you die, if you die like this, before you two officially mate, before you two do the nasty, it won't hurt that badly! I'm saving him! And plus. His relationship with Colleen proved he can move on. That he doesn't need you! Hehehe! He doesn't need you! So see there! The perfect plan! Now all I need you to do is be a good little girl and die! Just fucking die already!" Nick was screaming now, I could hear his tears falling onto the cement. He was hurting.
"Sorry." I finally spoke. "I'm so sorry!"
With that I heard an outraged cry, a roar, and crack. After that I faded into the blackness.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two Mates
Hombres LoboSkyler grew up watching her father beat her mother senseless. She watched as her once beautiful mother become only a shell of a woman she used to be. She vowed that she would never fall in love. Deciding to make a new start so they move halfway acro...