Chapter 15: Molly Miller

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so this is short. sorry.

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Chapter 15: Molly Miller

Alice’s POV:

I stared at the sign with a smile on my face. I felt so relieved and excited and I didn’t quite know why. I was almost a hundred percent sure I had never been here before, but none the less it felt familiar. “Oh wow,” I heard Lily say from beside me. “This is so pretty!”

I nodded in agreement but I couldn’t help but be annoyed, it was all so green! “Alice why the frown?” Leo asked in amusement.

“It’s too green.” I mumbled.

Leo looked at Justin who had returned his glace and smiled wirily. “Is it now?” Justin asked.

“Yes it is. But it feels comfortable.” I said.

“Comfortable?” Leo asked confused.

“Like home.” I said.

Justin was now smiling a huge smile that seemed to brighten up the whole car. I loved that smile. It was so beautiful. “Yes, it sure does.” Justin said.

Lily gripped onto my arm and started to bounce up and down in her seat. “Oh Alice! I’m so excited we got some time off! I mean look!” she said pointing at the scenery.  “It’s so beautiful! I feel like I’ve just stepped into a fairytale. It’s like at any moment Snow White could be stepping out of the forest with her little dwarfs right behind her!”

“Or a wolf.” I mumbled.

The car started to go what seemed like a little over the speed limit. And I looked up and saw Justin tightly gripping the wheel with a huge frown on his face. “What?” he asked, his voice calm, way to calm. His dark eyes held no emotions.

“I said it looks as if a wolf could pop right out of the forest. You know, as in Little Red Riding Hood?”

“Oh.” He said quietly.

“Anyways,” Leo said “We need to stop somewhere before we get you all settled in.”

“Leo really?” Justin asked his voice quiet, he was probably hoping we couldn’t hear him.

“We HAVE to!” Leo protested. “You know that.”

Justin just kept driving and nodded silently. It took twenty more minutes till we finally stopped at a Victorian styled rose colored house. It was a beautiful house. Absolutely gorgeous. Justin parked the car and Leo and Justin got out. Lily started to get out as well but when Leo said something I couldn’t hear she sat down and nodded seriously. “Okay, Justin I’m going to drive Lily to the house okay? I’ll pick you guys up in an hour or so.” Justin nodded and I watched at Leo got into the passenger’s seat and drive away.

“So why are we here?” I asked.

Justin just took my hand and we walked to the front door. My heart was pounding quickly in my chest as I felt Justin warm, rough, hand in mine. It felt so…so right. We stood outside the big oak door. I couldn’t help but feel nervous and guilty. I was afraid to knock on that door in fear of what was behind it.

But I did. I knocked, one solid knock and waited. Minutes later a woman opened the door. She looked like she was in her late thirties, early forties. She had snow blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was very thin. I looked at her and felt sad. She looked so sad, so warn out. And I felt like it was my fault. Even though I was a hundred percent sure I had never seen the woman before in my life.

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