I'll post more tonight....hopefully.
Chapter 16: I Love You Part 1
Alice's POV
I remembered this room. It looked so familiar, everything about this room was something I knew. I couldn’t figure it out. But I knew this room. I walked around and noticed everything seemed to still be here. I don’t know why I thought that, but I did. I knew nothing had been touched. I smiled and looked at the bedroom and walked over to the bed. I looked around on the nightstand and noticed something. It was a picture surrounded by a silver frame. It was a picture of a girl and a little boy. They were both smiling. The girl held the boy in her arms and the boy was giggling. The boy was about four, he had white blond hair and shinny blue eyes. He was the cutest thing she had ever seen.
But the girl is what caught my attention. The girl looked like she could my twin. She had exactly my same features, her eye color matched mine exactly. The only difference was the hair color, and maybe she looked a bit younger. The girl in the picture’s hair was auburn, while mine was charcoal black. I looked at the picture and studied it. The girl in the photo must be Skyler, she DID look exactly like me.
“Alice?” came a voice from behind me. I jumped in surprise and turned around quickly, still clutching the photo in my hand. I sighed when I realized it was Justin who was standing at the door. “What are you doing?” he asked.
I smiled timidly, “I’m just looking around. You’re right, Skyler looks a lot like me.”
“Not just alike, you two could be twins, maybe even the same person.” He said with a soft, wiry laugh.
“Yea. It’s almost scary.” I mumbled. “Who’s that boy in the picture with her?” I asked.
“That’s Skyler’s little brother. He’s turning seven soon.” He said with a smile.
“Caden.” I said so quietly, that I doubt even a mouse would have heard me.
But, Justin, well Justin did hear me. “What?” he choked out.
“Is the boy’s name Caden?”
“Yes, how did you know?” he asked shocked.
“I’m not sure he just seems like a Caden to me.”
Justin just nodded cautiously and said “We should go. Leo is coming soon to get us. And Molly still wants to chat for a while.”
I smiled hesitantly at him. “I feel weird being here.” I said quietly.
“I’m not sure. But can we leave please?” I asked, knowing I was being selfish, but felt as if I needed to be. If I was in this house any longer I would break into tears.
He looked at me with pity in his eyes. “Okay. But we should visit again. Molly really looked forward to talking to you.”
I nodded and smiled. “I really like it here.”
“Really?” he asked, he looked at me with conflicting emotions in his eyes.
“Yea.” I answered, looking up at him through my eye lashes.
It felt as if the world around me froze. It was only him and me. The silence around us was so loud, the atmosphere turned intense in a moment. I just stared at him. His dark brown eyes drawing me closer and closer to him, it felt like there was an invisible force pulling me closer to him. I leaned closer towards him and he did the same. My heart beat sped up, it was so loud I could feel it’s beats throughout my entire being and I was surprised that he hadn’t said anything about it.
He brought his hand slowly towards my face and he brushed his finger tips softly against my cheek. I knew I was turning a bright red. But he just smiled gently and his gaze shifted towards my lips. I sighed quietly and he came closer. My eyes closed instinctively.
But then his phone rang.
The moment was broken, the magical feeling was dispelled within a second. He just stared at me for a minute then he turned away from me and answered his phone. “Colleen?-Yea I’m home.-I miss you too.” And this was when I walked out of the room. Him talking to his fiancé, was something I couldn’t handle.
I left the room and closed the door behind me. I slowly walked down the stairs and through the hallway and down to the kitchen where I saw Molly sitting at the table. I could hear the soft sounds of crying. Molly was staring at a photo with tears streaming down her face. It absolutely broke my heart.
“Skyler,” she whispered so low I wasn’t even sure if she had actually said that. I felt tears start to form, so I blinked furiously as I choked back my sobs and I finally gathered myself and ran out of the house. I stood on the porch steps just wondering when I turned into such a cry baby. I sat down in defeat. I ran my fingers through my long black hair. I hadn’t known I was shaking until I looked at my hands.
I was on a verge of a break down, one that I didn’t even know how to justify. How could I feel so many emotions about people I didn’t even know? My breathing became labored and I was gasping for air. “Skyler? What’s wrong?” a voice said pulling me out of my despair. I looked up and saw it was Leo standing by his car looking at me with worried eyes. I looked at his dark green eyes and lost it. I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck and clung to him like I was drowning and he was my life vest.
I felt tears pool down my face. “Oh Skyler? What’s wrong?” he said soothingly. But his words make me break into more hysterics.
“My name is Alice.” I cried out breathlessly and continued to cling onto him.
“Oh love, I know. I’m sorry.” He hugged me tightly to his chest and I felt so safe and comfortable in his arms. We stayed like this for what seemed like hours and in reality it was only minutes. But he just kept quiet soothing me with his gentle caresses. He ran his large fingers through my hair calming me down.
When I finally broke away from his embrace I looked up at him wiping tears from my face. “I’m sorry.” I said shyly.
“It’s okay. Whenever you need me I’ll be here. I’ll always be there for you.” he stared at me with his beautiful caring green eyes. He then smiled his gorgeous smile and said “Because, well, Alice- I love you.”
There are going to end up being two confessions by the time part 2 is done.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two Mates
WerewolfSkyler grew up watching her father beat her mother senseless. She watched as her once beautiful mother become only a shell of a woman she used to be. She vowed that she would never fall in love. Deciding to make a new start so they move halfway acro...