Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell High

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So i entered this story into the Gatekeepers contest. So...I seriously need a lot of votes comments, likes, tweets, whatever, on this chapter and previous ones...

anyways... <3 please vote and comment <3 lots of love

Chapter 3: Welcome to hell high

Skyler's POV:

I watched at Marv and Leo walked into the kitchen. There was something about the guy that made me want to be with him. I flinched at the thought and shook those feelings away. I walked upstairs and finished getting ready for school today. It was 8:15 and school started in 45 minutes. I didn't really care, high school was all the same, no matter what. It was boring and expected. I knew I'd be the new girl therefore the odd one out, I'd be put in the middle of gossip hell. And there was no way out of it.

I started in the full length mirror in the bathroom. My hair was laying at my shoulders in a tangled mess. My blue green eyes looked back at me tired and unexcited. I had large bags under my eyes. My black tank top made my skin look funny and my washed out blue jeans made me look shorter then I was. I sighed, my look wasn't going to get any better.

I stomped downstairs scooping up Caden in my arms when I saw him at the end of the stairs. I twirled him around loving his giggle. I felt freer here then I had ever felt anywhere else, probably because of my father's lack of presence. But I knew it would be all to soon that this bliss would soon disappear and I'd be back in the middle of my never ending nightmare.

"How was your morning?" I asked my brother.

He gave me this toothy grin and said in his barely understandable toddler voice "Leo, fun."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I played with him for a bit." Came a husky voice from the kitchen. I turned and saw Leo, I smiled at him, unsure of why he was talking to me.

"Oh that's nice." I said a bit coldly, I was afraid of letting my brother get close to this guy. First off we didn't know him, and secondly I didn't want to watch Caden get hurt when Leo found something better to do with his time then play with him.

"Yes, so you're going to school right?"

"Yes, don't tell me you are too? You're like 24?"

"Nope, I paid my dues. I'm 25 though." He said with a smile.

"Oh close enough." I murmured.

"Close only counts in horse shoes."

"Eh, whatever, games were never my thing." I said.

He laughed, even though I was very aware what I had just said wasn't funny in the least. "So do you want a ride to school?"

"No." I said my voice full of ice. I don't care how nice this guy was, I didn't want to become acquainted with him.

"Do you know where the school is?" he said with a smile on his face. His face lit up with hope.

I flinched, I had no idea where the school was, and knowing me I'd get lost. I was going to ask Kelly to take me but when I woke up this morning I found out that her and my mother left early for a spa day. I sighed and swore under my breath. Not even a day after we get here they go off acting like teenagers. "Fine." I said grudgingly.

He's face brightened immediately. I smirked a bit, I couldn't help it. His smile was contagious. It made me want to smile with him. I made a face and he just laughed. "Okay, let's go."

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