Chapter 12: Alter Ego

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so here is chapter 12! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT! PLEASE? :)

if not i'm going to cry...

Chapter 12: Alter Ego.

Leo’s POV:

My friends I had in New York City had found I had taken a trip here and had hunt me down and now were dragging me into some stupid strip club. I didn’t have time for this, I had to look for Skyler. But they had refused to let me go and now I was sitting in a hot sweaty club full of half naked skanks who sold their body for money. I was disgusted.

I took another sip of my drink and looked at my watch, I needed to look for her. I tapped my foot impatiently when some girl wearing less than nothing came up to me and smiled, I think she was trying to be sexy but her face just looked constipated.  “Want a lap dance? You’re so cute I don’t mind giving you one for free.” She said.

I rolled my eyes and said “No thanks.” She just shrugged and walked away. A minute later I saw a girl wearing short black shorts and a lacy tank top with red pumps. She stood out because she was almost fully dressed. But there was something more, she looked exactly like Skyler. Besides her hair color which was black her face looked exactly like her.

A pretty blond stripper who was flirting with my friend Mark looked at me and smiled. My heart started to beat faster as I looked at the Skyler look alike. “Who is that?” I asked the stripped. I pointed to wear she was.

The blond looked towards where I was pointing and smiled. “Alice.” I nodded, my heart breaking, it wasn’t Skyler after all. But when the Skyler look alike started to walk towards me my heart skipped a few beats when I realized, it was Skyler. It was her exact same face, it was her sent, it was her smile. My heart started to sore as I got up and followed her through the crowd refusing to let her go this time.

Justin’s POV:

I sighed, I could see my breath cloud up in the frigid air. I was standing outside the restaurant I had been in, eating with some of the guys from work. But it had gotten uncomfortably warm in there and I needed so air, I had excused myself from my friends and made my way outside. I looked out onto the ongoing traffic and saw so many different lights that had been reflecting off the many buildings.

I closed my eyes and thought of Skyler and how much I missed her. I was beginning to think I was losing myself, when I thought so much of her I felt like I had lost pieces of myself. She would have been nineteen by now, I smile while thinking of how happy she could have been if she wouldn’t have left. I would have made her happy. I would have told her how much I loved her.

 She would have grown to accept who I was and be happy. She would have been my world, my life. But she was gone, she had left me. She was somewhere living her life and I lost my heart. She took my heart and left with it in her hand. I shook my head feeling stupid for letting her go, for letting myself ever feel like this.       

I looked up and saw a girl with black hair pass. My heart started to pound faster, I felt tears come as our eyes locked. She looked exactly like Skyler. She had those same beautiful blue-green eyes that saw into a person’s soul. Her facial features have only matured, making her look more like a woman. Her hair wasn’t that beautiful red like it had been, it was a midnight black color now. But it was still Skyler, she was as beautiful as ever. My wolf howled and whined to see her again, he wanted to take her in his arms and smoother her till he knew she was truly there.

 I watched as she looked down and began to walk away. I blinked a few times and realized that she was gone. Just like that. She couldn’t leave now. I began running in the direction she had been going, chasing after her, my life depending on it. I felt the pavement under my feet as I began to run after her. I saw her back in a sea of people, she seemed so far away. I began pushing people aside saying “Move.” Or “Excuse me.” but after awhile as she began to disappear I just began shoving people out of my way. I had gotten closer and closer, I briefly touched her shoulder as someone pushed me out of the way, and a crowd of people stepped in my way, Skyler disappearing from my sight, leaving me in a cloud of my own despair.

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