Chapter 14: Welcome Home

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Chapter 14: Welcome Home

Alice’s POV:

I just stared out the window in frustration. It’s been a few weeks since my accident. I had gotten to know Justin and Leo pretty well. They both seemed very nice. It took me a few days to understand their relationship with Lily. Turns out that Justin is Lily’s cousin and Leo was Justin’s best friend. Which at first I was suspicious about, I mean you’d think that since Lily and Justin were as close as they told me she wouldn’t have became a stripper. But after awhile I just stopped questioning it. I mean who I was to step into other’s people’s personal life. If she wanted to tell me, she would have. But I still thought about it regularly.

Justin and Leo would frequently stop by and visit me. It was nice to have someone to talk to while I was lying in the hospital. Even though Lily had told me Justin and Leo were best friends it sure didn’t seem like it. To me they always seemed to be on edge around each other. I could feel it and it made a slightly uneasy.

Leo was much friendlier than Justin was. Leo was always joking around and laughing talking about his life his parents and things of that sort, it was quite endearing if you’d ask me. But Justin always wore a sad face. He would sit there with us and just stay quiet watching us. Once in a while but I’d smile at something Leo would say his face would get icy and hard, but then change quickly into a warm smile when he saw me looking at him. When Leo would leave with Lily it would be just Justin and I in that little hospital room. He would talk about his sister and how much I would like her. I always liked it when it was just him and I. I felt so comfortable with him.

When I was finally discharged I just wanted to get back to work. I needed the money. But Lily had forced me into going on a little trip with her. She told me she wanted to see her aunts and uncles very badly and didn’t want to leave me by myself. I had tried to convince her that I would’ve been fine on my own, but when Leo and Justin joined her I had begrudgingly agreed.

 I was now sitting in the backseat of Justin’s car. I was located on the left side behind the driver’s seat that was occupied by Justin. Lily who was chatting happily with Leo who was sitting in the passenger’s seat was seated on the right seat, just a few inches away from me. I was fighting the car sickness I had begun to feel. It had been a long two days. After Lily had forced me into the car and onto a plane going to Justin’s and Leo’s home town of Oak Wood we were driving the long two hours to the town that I was sure hadn’t existed. “Are you sure that you guys aren’t just planning on killing me and hiding my body?” I asked, my voice week from feeling sick. I looked down at my blue cast on my right arm and I could feel how tightly they wrapped my chest area. “If you guys are it’s totally not fair! I have a broken arm! And broken ribs! You guys could have at least let me heal so I can fight back!”

Leo and Lily laughed at me, but I heard Justin’s all too familiar exasperated sigh. “Stop being over dramatic Skyler.” He said annoyed.

I frowned, I couldn’t help it. Justin frequently called me Skyler, and for some reason it made me sad. “My names Alice.” I mumbled quietly.

Lily just looked at me with an understanding look. Over the past few weeks I had developed a bit of a crush on Justin, which is something that took me a bit to admit to myself. It hurt me to think that he cared so much about Skyler and not me. But I have to get over it. After all Skyler had disappeared three years ago. Leaving Justin and Leo heartbroken, at least that was the story Leo had told me. And he was getting married in a few weeks, which is something I didn’t want to think about too often. Leo had told that Justin and Colleen were the perfect couple and he was very happy that he got to see his best friend move on. But every time he had told me that story I couldn’t help but think there was more to it then he let on. And Justin would refuse to talk about it when I brought it up.

“I’m sorry Alice.” Justin said his voice ringing with sincerity.

“It’s all right.” I said quietly.

Lily’s tiny hand was laid over mine and she gave me a squeeze, telling me she got it and too be strong. I looked at her and smiled at her. “Thanks.” I mumbled.

“No problem.” She said and then continued to talk animatedly with Leo. I just stared out the window looking at the endless forest. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like to live here. I looked up when I felt some one’s eyes on me.  Through the mirror I saw Justin looking at me with an unreadable look. But when he saw me looking at him he quickly looked away. I sighed; this was going to be a long two weeks. I continued to look out the window, but soon a wave of exhaustion hit me and I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.


I was standing alone in a forest. I looked around me and all I saw were trees. I was confused. Where the heck was I? I started to walk around, I felt like I was going in endless circles. I was certainly lost. I heard a rustling sound from behind me and I stiffened up and slowly turned around. I looked and I saw a familiar looking boy in front of me. He looked about seven. His hair was a honey blonde, he had bright blue eyes. He looked at me with a hard glare. “You left me.” he said.

For some reason I felt a need to defend myself. “I had too! It was for your own good!”

The boy just glared at me and suddenly started to shake. I watched in horror as he bones started making this awful cracking noise, his hunched over I saw his eyes quickly turn into a yellow amber color then back to his normal blue. But the rest of him had changed. He suddenly became a light brown wolf. He looked at me with hate in his eyes and began to circle me, like he was looking at as his next meal. I felt my heart start to beat faster as I turned away from the wolf and began to run as fast as I could.

But something in the air had changed, I knew there was more than one thing chasing after me. I turned my head and saw the same brown wolf running after me. I turned my head back around and saw two wolves standing in front of me. I came to a jerky halt. There was a black wolf with deep brown eyes and one grey wolf with green eyes. They looked so familiar. I couldn’t help but gravitate closer to the black wolf but then I looked at the grey wolf and smiled at him.

Then I looked and saw a reddish wolf with brown eyes jump from over a tree and came straight at me. I screamed at his teeth came down on my neck.


“ALICE!” I heard someone scream. My eyes shot open quickly and I saw to my relief Lily looking at me with worried eyes. “Oh god Alice are you okay?

“Yes I’m fine I just had a bad dream don’t worry about it!” I reassured her.

She smiled at me sweetly and said “We’re here.” I looked out my window and saw a sign that said 'Welcome to Oak Wood Home of the Wolves' I smiled. For some reason something inside me was saying “Welcome home.”

i know it's short, hopefully ill be able to update soon! :)

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