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"Yσυ ɱυʂƚ Ⴆҽ ƚԋҽ ƈԋαɳɠҽ ყσυ ɯιʂԋ ƚσ ʂҽҽ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ɯσɾʅԃ.”

"How childish, this is way too childish!" Dan oh complains as she reads the book.

"Well, romance comic books are meant to be childish." I state as I take a seat next to Jinmichae.

"I didn't think all my classmates names were weird. Il jin, yi jin, sam jin, bang jang, mo boom..."

"Yeo joo da, oh nam ju. How nice and simple are they?" Jinmichae adds

"Dried squid." He says pointing at himself, and I snort.

And he glares at me.

"I wonder why I'm not called heart disease. In addition to being a part of this ridiculous story, I'm an extra? I, Eun Dan Oh?"

"Yes, your not in the main cast."

"Stop complaining so much, when I first got here mo one could hear or see me, worst part of all I didnt even have a name, I wasn't even in the story!"I say crossing my arms

"You just gotta open your heart and accept it."

"But I'm not even the main character here. I'm an extra in a childish comic. Do you expec-t me to say, 'thank you very much'?" She says and I roll my eyes.

"You seem to be more shocked that you're and extra than that you're in a comic." I say

"Everything I say and do if for nam ju and joo da. What about me?! Am I supposed to only help the main character all my life?"

"You have a role as and extra too. The writer will decide what you'll say and do."

"That frustrates me!"

"I don't mean to make things about me but, if the author decides what you'll do and say, why am I able to move around freely?" I ask

Jinmichae turns to look at me.

"What!? Your able to do anything?" Dan oh says as she stands up from her seat.

"I hate this obnoxious writer. What makes you think you can do this to me?" Dan Oh starts to aruge

"I bet the writer had no idea you could be this aggressive. All right, it's time to go back to where you belong." In a snapp of finger the scene changes, well at least for dan Oh I still stood there with my arms crossed.

"So are you gonna tell me?" I say and Jinmichae let's out a slight scream.

"I thought you'd be in your place, but I guess that won't work for you-" Jinmichae says

"Okay so what did you find?" I ask once again.

"From what I've been seeing, it looks like you might be, a self made character, it's pretty self explanatory actually, you see you somehow managed to create yourself into this story."

"That makes no sense why would I create myself and come here if it holds no meaning?"

"Well that something we don't know, but your able to move freely and chnage the scenes because the author has no idea about your existence, now this is new to me, so I'm not sure if anything could backfire but I would advise you to be careful and try not to come in between the scenes, got it?" He says

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