Chapter 5

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 Y/n walks over to Lelouch's dorm after the student council meeting(in her opinion, they were pretty laid back for a council). As a member of the council, she questions why someone like Lelouch is the Vice President. From what she has seen, he's Once the maid, Sayako greeted her and let Y/n enter through the front door, she was quite surprised to find Nunnally close by already.

"Y/n! I'm glad you're here to visit!" She sounds so excited that Y/n is here to visit. Y/n couldn't help but smile at Nunnally. Once she remembers what she's here for, her smile becomes slightly bitter and softer.

"Lelouch says he's going to be home late tonight," watching Nunnally's sunny face suddenly turn into disappointment, Y/n regrets having to be the one to tell this sweet girl that.

"Oh." Her excitement drops, "that's a shame, but you'll stay here with me right, Y/n?"

Y/n knows Lelouch has a life, but she really wonders why can't he keep himself out of trouble for his sister's sake. "Of course! I'll stay here till your brother comes back." Y/n starts pushing Nunnally's wheelchair to enter the living room while Sayako prepares dinner.


As they eat dinner, Nunnally suddenly bursts out with, "Lelouch is a really kind big brother you know. He always does so much for me."

Y/n almost chokes on her water. She's a little freaked out because it's almost like Nunnally could tell Y/n's slight ill feelings towards Lelouch for leaving his sister alone so suddenly.

"He does seem kind..." She looks out the window trying to check if there is any sign of Lelouch coming back home, "I just hope he's safe right now wherever he is."

"He didn't say where he was when he called?" Nunnally tilts her head.

"No, if anything he was acting a little weird and distant..." Y/n sighs and looks at Nunnally.

If he got in trouble with authority for underage gambling that's gonna be a huge problem...

"I really hope, we can all be close again." Nunnally suddenly places her hand on top of Y/n's.

She looks at Nunnally with confusion, "again? What do you mean by that?"

She gasps and yells out, "oh, look at the time! I need to get to bed." She just smiles kindly, "goodnight, Y/n."

The maid takes Nunnally to her room and Y/n starts to get up, pondering what Nunnally meant.

What does she mean by that? As far as I remember, I've never met them before. The only thing I can think of is that they both have the same names as that prince and princess...And should be the same age as well. The only logical conclusion is that both of them are the late Prince Lelouch and Princess Nunnally, and that would mean they survived the war in Japan! But, I don't think I've met them before. "Ugh..."

I place my hand on my forehead as my head throbs and my throat goes dry. "I need water.." I see a sudden flash of a bright, blue sky.

"Y/n!"A brown-haired boy, and his little sister, ran towards me. Looking at me with their innocent smiling faces. The sky turns dark and cloudy, and all there is are yelling from the King and the boy.

Her head throbs hard as she kneels down on the floor, "are you okay?" she feels a hand placed on her shivering shoulder.

She looks behind herself and sees a concerned look on Lelouch, his face squinted like he was experiencing her pain.

She just smiles weakly at him, "I'm fine. Just a headache."

Lelouch can easily tell that she is lying through her teeth, "I'll get you some medicine and water. Stay here for now." He helps her up and gently sets her on the chair.

When Lelouch comes back, Y/n shoots her question, "so did you just get back home, Mr. Gambler?"

"I did, thank you for taking care of Nunnally for me. She really likes you." She can hear the smile in his tone as he takes out a headache pill for her and when she does notice his grin, Y/n felt relieved since her friend came back home safely.

"It's no problem and I can tell," Y/n gets jittery from happiness knowing Nunnally likes her, but she needs answers. "I have a question though, Lelouch "

He puts a pill in her hand while sliding the glass of water towards her, "go ahead and ask."

"Nunnally said 'I really hope we can all be close again.' What does she mean by again?" She stares into his eyes, trying to analyze his body's reactions, what he says, his tone. He seems completely calm, but his eyes seem to be in and way too serious from what she's used to. What are you and Nunnally hiding from me, Lelouch?

He takes a few moments before he finally says, "she probably didn't mean the again part. Sometimes she fumbles her words "

She gives him this look of suspicion, "if you say so but, that's not something a person fumbles over." She gets up and starts walking towards the door, "thanks for the medicine. See you in class."

Lelouch doesn't look at her, "Bye, have a goodnight then."

The campus is really dark and lonely at night but it feels different than usual to Y/n. She can't place the feeling as to why, but deep down in her gut, she thinks that someone is watching her.

"Y/n L/n." Suddenly in front of her, there's a girl with long green hair and in white, prison-like clothes that should be binding this woman.

"Yes, miss?" Y/n takes a couple of steps back and smiles nervously, "do you need anything, haha..."

The mysterious girl walks closer to her, "I need to wake you up." 

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