Chapter 3

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  Eventually, the council meeting ended with us agreeing that we hold the dance in two months. I look at my phone as I text Schinzel. 

(Y/n): Schinzel, my school is holding a dance. Do you want to come with me? 

Schinzel: I'll have to check if I can fit it into my schedule.

(Y/n): Oh okay

(Y/n): I was just hoping if you could come cause I'm planning it with the student council. 

Schinzel: You joined the student council? 

(Y/n): Yes, why?

Schinzel: You should tell me when you make decisions like that.  

(Y/n): I'm sorry. I'll tell you next time. 

Schinzel: I have to go back to work. I'll let you know if I can come, goodnight 

(Y/n): Goodnight 

  I sigh at my phone. Why would I need permission? 

  "Are you okay?" I look up and notice a concerned Lelouch. 

  "Yes." I just smile at him politely, "I thought you went back to the dorms?" 

  "Well, I actually live here with my little sister, Nunnally." 

  "Wow, that must be nice!" I mean, this building is really nice, so it must be a great house to live in.

  "Since you're here still, do you think you can help me with homework?" Lelouch smiles at me. I don't know why, but this smile feels more genuine than when he smile at most people. 

  "Sure!" Lelouch and I take out our textbooks, "wait, which subject are you having trouble with?"

  "English. I'm having a hard time understanding the book." 

  "Really? Which parts?"

  "All of it..." I look at him surprised. 

  "Are you joking with me?" I laugh a tiny bit. I'm sure he's just pulling my leg. 

  "I'm one hundred percent serious." He has the most discouraged face I have ever seen.

  "Well, we're both in tough luck cause I'm also having trouble understanding most of it!" I laugh out all of my nerves, and now I think I've disappointed Lelouch. 

  "Then let's both figure it out together." He laughs at me kindly. 

  We both read the first few chapters of Their Eyes Were Watching God aloud together. As we continue, "I really like the main character, Janie a lot."

  "Why's that, (Y/n)?"

  "I guess it's her journey to find a place for herself." I keep on reading the text a little more. 

  Lelouch pushes down my book a little to make me stop reading ahead, "maybe you relate to her somehow."

  "Relate to her?" I look up at Lelouch and I feel my ears heating up from how close his face is to mine, "I don't understand how I would."

  "Whenever I see you, it seems like you're a little lost yourself. Like you forgot something important." 

  "Hm, I never thought that I was lost before, and I've always remembered everything." 

  "Then why come you-" My phone suddenly rings. I see who's calling and it's my mom.

  "I'm sorry, I have to pick it up." 

  "It's fine." Lelouch gets up from his seat and leaves the room. 

  I immediately answer the phone, "(Y/n)! You haven't said a word to us since you moved!"

  "I'm sorry mom. I've been busy." I play with my hair a bit. 

  "Have you been talking to Schinzel? A long-distance relationship is hard."

  "Mhm, we talk a lot." I pull on the ends of my hair softly. It's a white lie, but I don't want mom and dad to worry.

  "Oh yeah! I joined the student council and I'm helping out with making the school dance. And Schinzel might come." I look at the time, "I have to go now mom, it's late. Good night, love you."

  I end the call and walk out of the room, "Lelouch, I'm gonna go now." 

  I look around for the missing boy and I enter a random room. I notice a girl in a wheelchair and Lelouch is sitting next to her. "Who's there?" The little girl looks in my direction. 

  "That's the new friend I told you about." Lelouch's face brightens up as he smiles at her. I think this is the first genuine smile I've seen on him.

  "I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you." I grin at her, she can't see it but I hope she can sense it. 

  "I'm Nunully, Lelouch's little sister." Her smile is so gentle and she's so cute!

  "Well make sure to take care of your brother, I don't want him to get depressed over his grades," I giggle softly. 

  "Hey don't tell her about my grades!" Lelouch laughs a bit as well. 

  "I'll make sure to support him!" 

  I smile more at the siblings, "well I have to leave now. I'll see you guys later."

  "Bye (Y/n), it was nice to meet you!" Nunnally waves softly at me, "Lelouch make sure to walk her to her dorm! It's not safe at night!"

  "But (Y/n) is strong, she can handle herself." He looks at his adorable sister confused. 

  "Just do it just in case." Nunnally's face suddenly turns smug. 

  "It's okay. Have a good night you two." I start to head out the door and walk to my dorm.

  As I reach halfway, I hear someone panting heavily, "(Y/n)! Stop! Wait up!"

  I stop in my tracks and turn behind me only to see Lelouch leaning over a lamp post. I run up towards him, "are you okay?" I look at him alarmed. 

  "I-I had to run here...Pant...You forgot your bag." He hands over my school bag. 

  "Oh! Thank you so much! I'm sorry for the trouble." I take it out of his way, "do you need some water?" 

  "I'm fine." He stands up straight, "well have a goodnight." 

  I wave goodbye to Lelouch and walk back to my dorm. To be honest, it was kinda fun hanging out with him outside of school. 

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