Chapter 6

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A/N: I am in the middle of editing, I apologize for the POV changing multiple times in this chapter. 

The mysterious girl walks closer to me, "I need to wake you up." She places a hand on Y/n's head, but she evades it quickly.

"Ma'am, are you sober?" Y/n forces out a laugh, "I think you should head back home. It's not safe for a pretty lady like you to be out here."

"I could say the same about you, especially if you stay at a boy's dorm so long." The mysterious girl with long green hair smirks, making Y/n's cold skin prickle a little as the woman inches closer to her. 

Y/n just brushes off the comment while taking many steps back, "have a nice night, miss"

The scared girl runs off to her dorm building, while she keeps on thinking of that green-haired woman. She's very weird, yet she feels nostalgic at the same time for Y/n. That girl might come a seek me out again, I suppose...Or she might be a link to my past, and most likely Lelouch's as well. She looks out the window and the weird girl is still standing out there.

"I need you to wake up." Y/n recalls the girl's words,  "I don't know what I have to wake up from, but I'm sure I can do it myself." Just as she opens her door, Y/n's throat begins to dry up, causing a coughing fit. 

Today I saw ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ and ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇. We played all day and ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ taught me how to play chess. I'm going to practice so I can beat him one day.

She grips the side of her aching head, trying to ease her pain.

 I think I need water. I need water.

I saw a mysterious lady with ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇'s mom. I followed them till the mysterious lady was alone. The lady offered me power, so I would be able to protect the ones I love. All I had to do was accept the contract.

 She quickly gets inside her room and searches for a water bottle. She twists it open quickly and gulps it all down. I think I'm coming down with the cold...But my forehead feels fine. That's right, I can't get sick. I'm not allowed to get sick. Y/n changes out of her uniform and lays down on her bed, already deciding to skip her nighttime skincare routine. 

I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning.


I woke up earlier than usual, the sun still isn't up. I got up to take a shower and wash my face. I must keep up with my appearance and hygiene because my mother said that Schneizel won't keep an ugly woman by his side. I look in the mirror while brushing my hair. I suppose my looks don't look too bad. I touch my freshly moisturized face, "there's a pimple on my cheek..."

I don't have any ice here, so I guess using tea tree oil is good for now. I apply it on the pimple for about ten minutes and I wipe it off and put more moisturizer on it. I put on sunscreen, cover the pimple with concealer, and my morning routine is done. I guess waking up early is worth it because now I can take my sweet time eating breakfast. I go to the cafeteria and I can finally eat a bagel. It's freshly baked and delicious! "Wow, you really like that bagel!"

I look up and Milly is smiling at me. "Good morning, Millie." I smile back, I am happy to see her after all.

She takes a seat across from me, "so do you like your school life so far?"

I wipe my mouth a napkin, "it's different from what I'm used to, but I really like it."

"I'm glad you do." When I look at Milly, she's smiling, but it's almost like she pities me for something. Although, there is nothing about me that she should pity, "if you need anything just ask me, okay?"

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