Chapter 7

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   Y/n opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling when she opened up her eyes, she realized a lot of time has passed since the room is so dark.

  "I guess I missed the school day...I hope my mother or father doesn't make a fuss about my attendance," she mumbled to herself.

  Y/n looked towards her right only to see Lelouch on his knees at her bedside, sleeping soundly. She moved his bangs out of his face.

  'huh, he has pretty long lashes.'

  She shook his shoulder lightly, "Lelouch, wake up. Aren't you uncomfortable sleeping that way?" She tugged both of his arms, trying to pull him up.

  He suddenly grabbed her wrist, pushing Y/n down and hovering over her body, "what are you doing?!"  

  'What is he going to do? Is he taking advantage of me?'

   His grip tightens around her wrists. Y/n stared into his wavering eyes, it wasn't the kind eyes she usually saw, right now it's just filled with rage.

  "Lelouch, stop it!" Y/n used her legs to push him off of her, while she struggled to escape, Lelouch put both of her wrists into one of his hands, using his free one to stop Y/n from knee him in the stomach.

  Lelouch suddenly seemed to wake up from his rage, after listening to Y/n yell at him and he immediately lets  go of her. He gets up and walks a few feet away to give her space, "I'm sorry, Y/n. You woke me up from a nightmare."

  Lelouch saw the look of fear in her eyes, he regrets what he did. He looks away from her, he can't stare at you after that.

  "I forgive you, but that was still scary..." Lelouch can feel Y/n's harsh glare, "but never do that again."

  Y/n's cheeks are on fire, but Lelouch can only feel the coldness in her words.  Lelouch glanced over at her, he noticed how red her cheeks are, how embarrassed she looked. Y/n looked back at him, the heat in her cheeks only got hotter.

  'What's wrong with me? I didn't hate it, but it's wrong! I have a fiance! This thing only happens in fiction, right?'

  Lelouch saw a glint in her eyes and it seemed like the 'I wish you didn't stop' eyes. Lelouch walks closer to her and teased, "really now? What would you do if I did do it again?" She looked towards him again and all he has is a stupid smirk on his face, so she grabbed a pillow behind her, and pushed it into his face.

  "You're so mean! Apolgizing and then immediately teasing me!" Y/n quickly stood up, but she started to sway as she walked while her vision became blurry.  

  "Hey, don't get up so fast," Lelouch grabbed her hand and waist to keep her from falling over. 

  He carefully helped her to get back in his bed, "lay down and rest."

  "It's your bed though. Plus, I can't have you sleep on the floor!" 

  "Don't worry, I can go sleep in another room if that makes you feel better," he started to stand up, but there's a knot in her stomach, getting tighter and tighter as she watched him turn away from her and is aboit to walk away. 

  "Don't go!" She grabbed onto his sleeve tightly out of impulse. Lelouch turned back around and he seemed shocked when he saw her face.

  He used his thumbs to wipe away the tears welling up from her eyes and spilling down her cheeks, "what's wrong?"

  She looked down at the floor, a blurry memory trying to resurfac. A tiny hand reaching out for a boy's sleeve while he's walking away. "why, why do you always-" Y/n suddenly came into a rough coughing fit, her throat dried out as she coughed longer and longer.

  Her eyes became dazed, a young childlike voice that said to her, 'stop it,  don't remember this. Please don't uncover it.'

 Lelouch pulled her into an embrace, "okay, I won't leave your side this time."

  Y/n tried to swallow down her saliva, "can you get me some...some water?" 

  "Yeah, just lay down and relax." He stroked his fingers through the strands of her hair, hoping her tensed out body would relax through his touch.

  Y/n watched Lelouch get up and walk out of the room, he looked back once to make sure she laying down, and she snuggles into the sheets to reassure him that she's relaxed now. Y/n felt like the back of her short was drenched in sweat, it was so uncomfortable. She tried to reach down into her blazer pocket, but she realized she's not even wearing it. She's wearing a button-up shirt that's too big on her and some pants.

   'Are these...Lelouch's clothes?!'

   Her face just kept on getting hotter and hotter. She pressed the sleeve softly against her nose, 'it smells nice and fresh...Wait who changed me?!'

  She pushed her face into Lelouch's pillow, 'that's a dumb question...It was obviously Sayoko...'

  Y/n heard the door open, Lelouch walked up to her and handed her a glass of water. She sat up, remembering all of the rules on how to be an elegant lady and sipped it slowly, "thank you." She thought that the only reason her face was so hot was because she stopped acting like the perfect lady in front of her classmate, which caused her to feel embarrassed.

  "You don't have to act like a perfect lady in front of me." She looked at him puzzled, she wondered how he read her mind. Lelouch just poked her cheek softly, "drink the rest and head to bed, you need to rest." He grabbed a chair and moved it right next to the bed.

  "You said you were gonna sleep in another room?" Y/n still sipped the water slowly, in an attempt to talk to Lelouch longer.

  "I also said I would stay by your side, and you begged me not to leave,"

  "Lelouch, you weird me out." He sat down and just chuckled. 

  "Why do I weird you out?" He gave her such a kind and warm smile. Y/n was glad to recieve such a smile, but something felt off to her. He acted like they knew each for years, but there's a clear line that she felt between them.

  She averted her eyes to the other side of the room, "you give me such warm smiles, you took your time out of the day to take care of me, you make my face all hot when I'm near you and my stomach gets knots whenever you go away...You're so kind too, yet you treat me cruelly by keeping a secret." She looked back into his, "weirdest part about you is that you act like we've known each other for years. Tell me, is that secret about us, how we actually met?"

  His tone shifted from lighthearted to serious, a little cold, "I'll tell you everything one day, but now isn't the time."

  "Lelouch," she grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him towards her aggressively, "I would rather not have any secrets between us."  

  Y/n fell backward onto her back from the sudden adrenaline that rushed into her body and Lelouch falls on top of her-catching himself with only the length of his arms being the distance between the two.

  He stares deeply into my eyes, with a longing look, "I'm on top of you again, what are you going to do now?"

  "Don't try to change the subject. Just tell me Lelouch!"

  He frowned at her, "like I said, I'll tell you when the time is right."

  Lelouch moved her hair out of her face, while he observed her facial expressions.

  She was frustrated, her eyebrows furrowed, and forehead wrinkled. He knew that the truth would hurt her, just now isn't the time, or maybe he would never tell her.

  "I wouldn't furrow your eyebrows so much if you want wrinkles."  Y/n pushes him off of her and laid back down, facing away from Lelouch.

  "Goodnight." She said with coldness in her voice.

  "Goodnight, have sweet dreams." Lelouch leaned over, and kissed her cheek softly. He noticed her cheeks become pink, and he smiled to himself as he sat down in his chair. While Lelouch was quite pleased that Y/n stopped pestering him, she couldn't help but feel frustration start to grow inside of her.

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