Chapter 8

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  I arose as slowly as the sun did during the sunrise. At the foot of the bed was Lelouch sleeping soundly. I shifted towards him and stroked his soft, brown hair, but..."I won't do as you wish," I gently gripped his hair, "but for now-please just think of me as the obedient girl you've known." 

  When I look down at how vulnerable Lelouch is, I start to understand why the brother, and maybe even Schneizel would find power addicting. I let go of Lelouch's hair and change into my school uniform, "goodbye Lelouch."

  Once I exited his dorm, I was greeted with the fresh breeze of the morning. "I need to find that mysterious woman." 


  The student body pours into the gym, the school decided to have an unexpected assembly. "Shirley, do you know what's happening?" 

  She looks around the stage just as confused as I am, "no, but it might have to do with the poisonous gas in Shinjuku."

  "There was something that dangerous?" My voice started to sound alert. That means the terrorist attacks might start to get more hectic around here. I still feel like there's a chance there's something the government is hiding, I don't know what it is nor do I feel like discovering the truth. It'll be hard unless Schneizel helps me, and that's only if it benefits him. 

    "Our beloved, Prince Clovis has been lost to us forever!" I heard the principal's words echo a bit in my head. 

  His death has put me in shock, surely it's because I used to sometimes play with Clovis during my childhood. I saw him once in and a while, but it's not like we were particularly close. If anything it would help Schneizel in the succession. 

  "Y/n, are you okay?" Shirley wipes my tears away and I hug her closely. 

  I shouldn't be thinking of cruel things right now, it's okay to grieve about his death. I can hear quite a bit of the other students whispering things, pitying me. 

  I suddenly feel a pat on my head, I don't even have to look up to see who it is, "we should start going. I'm sure the two of you would rather do something fun right now."

  Is this Lelouch's way of comforting me? I look up and he's still giving me that kind smile. I nod and I walk outside holding Shirley's hand while Lelouch stays by my side. Although, they start talking about someone named, "Suzaku Kurugi is the one that murdered Prince Clovis right?" 

  An Eleven killed him? Maybe he's an honorary Britanian since only soldiers can get so close to royalty.  From what Lelouch is saying... "Are they just framing Suzkau because they think purebloods should only serve, right?"

  Lelouch just nods, "that's what I'm thinking too." 

  That's a shame, he must've worked hard to get to his position, all of that work just to be framed and executed. 

  "Hey Lelouch, you got anything going on later? After all, classes have been canceled for the day" Rivalz interrupts our conversation, although I'm glad he did since the topic was so heavy. 

  "Folks have been asking for a rematch!" He sounds so excited. 

  "You are not gambling you guys!" Shirley scolds them like usual. 

  "C'mon, don't be such a stick in the mud!" I look towards Lelouch, he seems a bit different. 

  "She's right. Maybe it's time to quit." Rivalz looks so surprised, but Shirley is definitely relieved. 

  "I found a better opponent actually." 

  "Huh? Who?" Will he actually answer my question this time? Even if he's quitting, what if he's getting himself into something worse than gambling?

  "I don't get it..." I hold Shirley's hand tighter, I can tell Lelouch's eyes were look at our locked hands for a second, but he turns his attention to Rivalz. 

 "You're cuttin' me from the action too, right?" Lelouch just laughs at him. 

  "Better not, not really up your alley." He never answered me, and of course, Rivalz interrupted again, but I'm sure Lelouch would've avoided it anyway. 

  I look behind me, and I can see a single girl walking away. Her red hair makes her stand out a bit, she kinda looks like Kallen Stadtfeld. I heard she was always sickly, maybe that's why I haven't seen her around the school. I should talk to her at some point. 

  As we made our way towards the dorms, Shirley and I split up from the boys. "Since the dance is coming up, do you want to go dress shopping together?" 

  Shirley's eyes brighten, "of course I would love to! Oh! Should we make or buy our masks?" 

  "Is the theme masquerade then? Hmm, we could buy masks but I wouldn't know where...Let's make our masks and we should match them!" I hold both of her hands and smile. 

  But the smile disappears when she says, "we'll match? Shouldn't you match with Prince Schnitzel?" 

  "Hmm, I'm sure we'll only match in color, but you and I can match some accessories or even embellishments on the mask." 

  Shirley smiles in agreement, "I like the idea!"

  "Let's change first. Let's meet up in thirty minutes?"


  Shirley and I head over to the mall, and we both take a cute picture once we found a mirror at a store. We both wore comfortable clothing that's easy to get out of since we'll be trying on dresses. 

  "C'mon, Y/n, I'm sure we'll both find the perfect dress today!" Shirley grabs my hand and we confidently walk through the store with determination. 

  But after each store, our confidence diminished...We sat down at the food court for a break, "jeez some of those dresses were so bad..." Shirley sighs in disappointment. 

  I put down our tray of food and start eating, "well I suppose we can go to the more expensive stores."

  "I'm sure that'll be outside of my budget though."

  I smile at her, "I'll gladly pay for your dress!"

  "You can't do that! I'd have to pay you back!" She started to look really worried and a bit guilty. 

  "Just pay me back by looking absolutely gorgeous at the dance. Besides, it's not like I use my allowance that much, so don't worry about it." I keep on smiling to reassure her. 

  "...Ah, I guess it's fine if you're okay with it. Thank you so much, Y/n!" She gets out of her seat to hug me. 

  I just laugh and hug her back. I'm glad she accepted my offer, I want to do a lot of things for Shirley because she feels like the first true friend I've made all by myself. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. 

  "What a coincidence to see you here, Y/n." Huh? Why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be at E.U.? 

  I look over and I see a tall man with black hair and malicious-looking grey eyes in a nice black suit standing over us with a sly smirk. "It's nice to see you again, Cain." 

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