Chapter 9

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CONTENT WARNING: Themes of death, miscarriage, abuse, and violence will be present. If you are sensitive to these topics, please tread carefully while reading the rest of the story. Readers' discretion is advised.

Y/n avoids Cain's gaze, "uh, Y/n how do you know him?"

She looks over to her friend, "this is my older brother, Cain...Cain this is my friend, Shirley"

The black-haired man bows and kisses Shirley's hand, "I didn't know my sister had a friend as beautiful as you."

Shirley's face slowly becomes flushed as she pulls her hand away, "I didn't know you two were siblings. You both-"

"Look nothing alike, right? We're half-siblings," these words don't faze Y/n or Cain, but it still makes Shirley feel awkward for them.

Cain's mother, the late Duchess, Gisela, was a very elegant woman. Cain inherited his appearance from her. She had a very strange obsession with Empress Marianne, it is unknown when the two first met, but they would meet each other often before they got married. Gisela's knight, Bria, is the only one who knows Gisela's obsessiveness towards Marianne. This includes knowing that Gisela only marrying the Duke because he looks similar to the Empress, or having to obey any orders that involve Marianne. The first time Cain opened his eyes, Gisela only frowned, unlike most mothers, "oh, how disappointing. He doesn't have her eyes." After a while, Gisela gave birth to a girl, who looked a lot like the Duke, so naturally, the Duchess was very pleased. But the baby was very sickly and died the same year. Gisela's spiraled more into despair, as she kept on receiving miscarriages after her precious daughter's death. The Duchess grew ill, and when Cain turned two years old, she was on her deathbed, she whispered to Bria with her dying breath, "no matter what, Cain must marry Marianne's child. If he fails, then your child must-" Gisela couldn't finish saying her final order. Bria didn't know what to do, the lady she was loyal to, just died right in front of her. But, she had a gut feeling about what Gisela had wanted.

Cain needed a new mother, but it couldn't be just any woman. The Duke chose Bria since she was the closest and most trusted ally to Gisela. The new couple quickly married and conceived Y/n twice as fast. It was around this Marianne gave birth to her firstborn son. Bria made the decision to train Y/n into the perfect bride and Empress. A strict upbringing came down to the two children. The older brother who carried out his duties as easily he got bored and the younger sister was as obedient as a doll. Cain who had ignored his sister changed when he saw her balling her eyes out for the very first time.

He smiles at her kindly, "do you mind if you give my sister and me some privacy to talk?"

Shirley shakes her head, "I don't mind at all! I had to go to the bathroom anyway." She let go of Y/n and hurried to the bathroom, while she walked away, Y/n's complexion seemed to darken.

"Oh, why do you suddenly look so upset?" Cain just gives her a sly smile as he sits down. Many girls stare at him, he is a very attractive man that gives off a confident and seductive aura. Of course, he knows it and uses it to his advantage.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the E.U. with father?" Y/n tries to hide her feelings of displeasure at her brother's presence.

"I decided to pay my dear sister a little visit instead. Those meetings bore me to death. " He runs his hand through his hair and eats some of her fries.

"And you're somehow at the same mall as me, at the same time?"

"Can't I get my sister a gift?" Y/n just sighs, "so why are you at the mall? Mother sends you clothes to wear."

"Shirley and I are dress shopping for the dance." Y/n glances in the direction of the bathroom, constantly waiting for her friend to come back.

"Is Schniziel going to be your partner?"

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