Scared - Fluff

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Kojiro was cleaning up his restaurant getting ready to close until he hears the bell of the front door. "Sorry, we're closing-". Turning around to face the person he sighs and continues to clean. "What are you doing here four-eyes." "I'm hungry, make me something you gorilla." Kojiro's childhood friend, Kaoru, sits down and waits for his food. "You better pay this time." Kaoru rolls his eyes. "Sure sure whatever just get me my food." Kojiro goes to the back and starts cooking as Kaoru gets lost in his thought.

A few minutes pass and Kojiro is back with Kaoru's food. "Here you go four-eyes." Kaoru doesn't respond and continues to stare off into the distance. "Kaoru? Kaoru!" Kojiro says his name loud enough to get his attention. "Huh? Oh." Kaoru looks at his food and starts eating slowly. Kojirou crosses his arms across his chest. "What were you thinking about?" He asks out of curiosity. He received no answer but a scowl from Kaoru. Kojiro stays silent and starts wiping down the tables.

After Kaoru finished his meal, Kojiro took his empty plate and washed it. "Kojiro." He hears Kaoru whisper his name and he turns to him to see him looking down. "I'm scared," Kaoru whispers again. Kojiro's face softened as he immediately knew what Kaoru was talking about. He washed up quickly then took a seat next to Kaoru. "I want to go back to S but I can't... not if he's there." Kojiro shifts his seat closer and sets his hand on Kaoru's shoulder. "We can go together. I won't let him touch you." Kaoru blushes as he hears the softness in Kojiros voice. "There's no need to be scared Kaoru. You know I'm here for you." He smiles softly and Kaoru smiles back. "Thank you Kojiro."

The restaurant was filled with laughter and smiles but soon ended as it was time for Kaoru to leave. Kojiro walked Kaoru to the door and they say their goodbyes. Kaoru turns to walk away but turns around to face Kojiro once more and plants a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." He whispers and giggles at Kojiro's reaction. Kojiro touches his cheek where Kaoru kissed and smiles as he watches him walk off. 

Need ideas real bad

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