At Least You're Happy Part 3

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"Hey, Adam." "What's up, babe." Kaoru sits up from Adam's lap. "Do you think we'd still be together in the future?" Adam's eyes widen but soon soften as he laughs. Kaoru blushes in embarrassment. "Don't laugh at me." He pouts. Adam pulls Kaoru onto his lap and holds him tight. "I don't know what the future has in store for us but I do know that I will never let go of you." Kaoru and Adam share a soft passionate kiss. They both went separate ways and headed to their homes.

A few weeks after the conversation they had about the future, Kaoru doesn't know if it is just him but he feels like Adam has changed. And by changed he meant, focusing more on skateboarding than their relationship, doesn't take him out as much as he used to and he hasn't been showing up to their usual skating park.

After school, Kaoru caught up with Kojiro. "Kojiro!" "Oh hey, Kaoru. How are you?" Kaoru looked down sadly for a second but quickly covered it up with a smile. "I'm great, yourself?" Kojiro hummed. "Eh same as always." Kaoru giggles as his response and Kojiro swears his heart stopped beating. "What are you doing tonight?" Kaoru asks. "Ahh probably study since we have a test coming soon." Kaoru rolls his eyes and sighs. "You're so boring. Hey, you know what? You should come with me to S." "S? Yeah no." Kaoru pouts. "What? Why not?" Kojiro stops walking. "Haven't you heard about the rumors?" Kaoru tilts his head in confusion. "Rumors?" Kojiro sighs. "About Adam." Kaoru shakes his head, having no idea what Kojiro is talking about. "Apparently his skating has become dangerous. I've heard he even put other skaters in the hospital." Kaoru starts laughing. "Oh come on Kojiro we both know Adam isn't like that." "He'll be at S tonight." Kaoru smiles wide. "We should go see him." Seeing Kaoru's smile, Kojiro knows he can't say no to him. "Alright then, I'll see you there tonight"

Kaoru and Kojiro meet up together on their motorbikes. "Let's go towards the track, maybe Adam will be there." As they get closer to the race track they can hear screams that sound painful. They both look at each other and ride closer to the sound. When they got closer they immediately got off their bikes and ran towards a male who seemed to have fallen off the cliff while racing. "Hey, are you okay?" Kojiro shouts towards the male and checks on him. Kaoru looks at the ground in disbelief. "So the rumors were true." He looks up at Adam who is standing on the cliff looking down at them. "Adam! Why are you doing something like this?" Adam sighs. "I had my hopes up." "What are you talking about?" Kojiro shouts at him. Adam turns away from them and says something Kojiro and Kaoru can't make out.

After the ambulance took away the male skater, Kaoru and Kojiro follow Adam trying to get him to speak about what they had just witnessed. Without any of them knowing, they turned up at their usual skate park. "Are you listening to me?" Adam sighs and leans against the wall. "Answer me, Adam! Why have you changed?" Kaoru's voice shakes as he tries to stay calm. "Humans are subject to change, right?" Kaoru takes a step closer to Adam. "If so then change once more. Don't skate like that anymore!" Adam looks at Kaoru and all he can see is worry in his eyes. "No way. Besides, I don't have time left. I will be leaving for America tomorrow." Kojiro and Kaoru both gasp in shock. "I have to move on from playing with you guys now." Adam continues and starts making his way to his car. "What do you meaning you're leaving? Why didn't you tell me earlier? What about us? Was I never important to you?" Kaoru's eyes started to swell up with tears. Adam stops in his steps. "I thought you were the one for me Kaoru but you really are just boring." Kaoru doesn't say anything. Instead, he looks at the ground and lets his tears flow. Seeing this, Kojiro immediately wraps his arms around Kaoru and holds him tight. He glares at Adam. "Adam you son of a-" Kojiro gets cut off by a honk of a car. Adam just keeps walking and is soon out of their sight. Kojiro looks down at Kaoru and picks him up bridal style. Kaoru doesn't say anything and keeps his head down.

Kojiro takes Kaoru to his place and sets him down on the couch. He sits next to him and wraps his arm around his shoulder. "I don't know why I ever thought he wouldn't change." Kaoru's voice is broken and he speaks softly. Kojiro talks to him in a soft tone. "Shhh, it's not your fault Kaoru. I also never knew he would do something so bad. Adam may be an amazing skater but he doesn't look too happy about leaving. He's gonna be all by himself. Maybe that's why he skates that way, to let out his anger. But you know, we're not alone." Kojiros hears soft snores and he looks over at Kaoru and sees him sleeping on his shoulder. Kojiro smiles. "We got each other. Right, Kaoru?" He whispers and gently kisses Kaoru's head.

School's a pain in the ass :)

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