Honeymoon Love - Smut

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Joe and Cherry had walked out of the airport hand in hand as they have arrived in France for their honeymoon. Joe looks over to Cherry to see his widened eyes and his huge smile. Joe kisses his cheek. "Let's go, babe." Cherry blushes and follows Joe to the taxi that has been waiting for them.

A few hours and they have finally reached their destination. Paris. They walked into the nearby hotel and booked a room. Once they got inside their room Joe throws himself on the soft bed. "I'm so tired." He turns onto his side getting ready to take a nap. "Don't be like that Kojiro come on get up." Cherry grabs Joe by the ankles and drags him off the bed. "Let's go sightseeing. Maybe even check out one of the places we went to back in high school." Joe stands up. "That's actually a pretty good idea." Cherry smirks. "Of course it's a good idea I thought of it." Joe chuckles. "Yeah yeah whatever four eyes." He wraps his arm around Cherry's shoulders and they make their way out.

The couple went to many places. Museums, parks, cafes, etc. They walk back to the hotel and up to their room. Cherry opens the door and walks in stretching out his back. "Wow, today was amazing." "And it's just about to get better." Cherry hears this as he feels strong arms wrap around his waist from behind. Joe places soft kisses on Cherry's neck. Cherry turns around and wraps his arm around the back of Joe's neck. They looked into each other's eyes for a while. "I love you." "I love you too."

They slowly lean into each other until their lips meet. It didn't take long until the kiss became very heated. Joe tapped Cherry's thigh and Cherry jumped up wrapping his legs around Joe. He giggles as Joe walks over to the bed. Joe softly drops Cherry on the bed and hovers over him immediately reconnecting their lips. Cherry moans as he can feel Joe between his legs. Joe breaks the kiss and removes Cherry's kimono off his shoulders. Cherry arches his back as he suddenly feels Joe roughly sucking on his neck. "Ahhh Joe not too hard. You're going to leave a mark." Joe doesn't listen as he continues to suck on Cherry's neck.

Joe sits up and smirks as he looks down at Cherry who's hair is spread out from his hair tie, his face flushed red and his neck and chest covered in hickeys. Joe unties Cherry's kimono so he can now see his beautiful pale slim body. "Stop staring you thirsty gorilla." Cherry tries to cover up his face but before he can Joe grabs his hands and pin them above his head. "No need to be so shy precious," Joe whispers in Cherry's ear before releasing his hands and heading down to suck on Cherry's left nipple. Cherry gasps and bites his lip. "Mmmm Kojiro." He buries his hand in Joe's hair grabbing it softly. Joe then places kisses down his stomach until he reaches those smooth thighs. He gives them small bites before removing Cherry's boxers. He licks his lips as he sees how hard Cherry is. He doesn't hesitate before taking Cherry's cock into his mouth. Cherry moans loud and arches his back grabbing onto Joe's hair with both hands. "Oh god, Kojiro." Joe starts sucking slowly at first then gradually increasing the speed. Cherry's eyes roll back as he feels Joe's tongue slide around his tip.

Just as Cherry was about to cum, Joe takes his cock out of his mouth. He chuckles as he hears Cherry whining. "Don't worry babe. You'll get to cum soon." Joe stands up and takes off his shirt but once he took off his shirt he was not expecting what he saw. Cherry was on his hands and knees getting rid of Joes pants. Joe groans as Cherry kisses his hard on through his boxers. Cherry doesn't waste another second and slides Joes boxers off. He licks the precum off Joes aching tip, savouring the taste. "Mmm fuck Kaoru." Cherry keeps his head still giving Joe permission to fuck his mouth. Joe gently grab the side of Cherry's head and thrusted softly in Cherry mouth. Joe was in heaven. Cherry moaned around his cock causing vibrations to go up his spine. "Kaoru your mouth feels so fucking good." Joe didn't want to cum just yet so he pulled his cock out of Cherry's mouth.

Cherry laid on his back on the bed and spread his legs, giving Joe the best view. Joe spat on his own fingers and got in between Cherry's legs. Cherry whined as he felt Joes finger touch his entrance. Joe slowly pushed in one finger watching the reaction on Cherry's face. Cherry clenched his eyes shut and moaned loud. Joe kissed his cheek and Cherry soon got used to the feeling. As Joe saw Cherry's face relax he added another finger and thrusted it fast inside him. "Oh, Kojiro fuck." Cherry held onto Joes shoulder as his legs started to shake. "Kojiro I'm so close." Hearing this, Joe took his fingers out of Cherry and grabbed the lube and a condom. As Joe was about to put on the condom Cherry stopped him. "No condom. I want to feel all of you." Joe leans down and kisses him. "Anything for my husband."

Joes pours some lube on his cock and some on Cherry's entrance. Joe positions himself, "Are you ready babe." Cherry bites his lip and nods. Joe smiles and slowly pushes the tip inside. With Cherry not showing any signs of pain, Joe continues until all of him is inside Cherry. "Kojiro move." Joe begins to thrust slowly, loving the expressions on Cherry's face. Joe grunts as he starts to thrust faster. Cherry's moans begin to fill the room. "Kojiro, it feels so good," Cherry begs Joe to go harder and Joe does so. After an hour or so of the two making love, they finally reach their climax. With Cherry making a mess all over both of their stomachs and Joe creating a mess inside of Cherry.

When they both have recovered from their high, Joe makes his way to the bathroom and sets up a warm bath. He returns to the bedroom and carries Cherry and sets him into the bath. Joe then gets in himself, grabbing Cherry and letting him rest against his chest. Their hands interlock and they kiss each other passionately. "I love you, Kojiro Nanjo." I love you too, Kaoru Nanjo." 

Matchablossom (Joe x Cherry) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now