I won't need to cook if you're around - Fluff

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Request - @yrrehc3426

"Sigh, you should really learn how to cook four eyes." "Well, I'm too busy gorilla." Kojirou rolls his eyes but then they widen as he comes up with an idea. " I have an idea Kaoru." He says as he grabs Kaoru by the wrist and drags him to his restaurant's kitchen. "What is the meaning of this?!" Kaoru growls at him. "I'm gonna teach you how to cook." Kojiro smiles wide and hands Kaoru a pink apron. "Here put this on." Kaoru looks at the apron with a shocked expression. "There's no way I'm putting this on." Kojiro just shrugs. "Then I guess you're fine with getting your kimono in a mess." He turns around and gets the ingredients ready.

As Kojiro finishes up setting the ingredients on the table, he faces Kaoru and can't help but laugh. Kaoru is wearing the pink apron. "Aww, you look so cute it matches your hair." Kaoru blushes hard and hits Kojiro on the shoulder. "Shut up you dimwit. Let's just get started." Kojiro stops his laughing and points to the table with the ingredients. "Alright so you'll do most of the work and I'll guide you through it."

(I don't know how to cook)

After a few minutes Kaoru is finishing up the last step then Kojiro sneaks up behind him and wraps his arms around Kaoru's waist. Kaoru jumps slightly and he feels Kojiros warm breath against his neck. "Kojiro what are you doing? Let go." Kojiro kisses Kaoru's neck softly. "Mm, I won't need to cook if you're around. I can just eat you up." Kaoru's face burns up upon hearing these words. He pushes Kojiro away. "What are you talking about you muscle brain gorilla." Kojirou chuckles and lets go of him. He grabs a pair of plates and sets the table. Kaoru comes around the table and serves the food on the plates.

They sit across from each other and Kojiro is first to take a bite. "Oh wow Kaoru this is actually pretty good. Much better than what I was expecting." Kaoru glares at him for a second then looks down at his own plate. He takes a bite and his eyes widen. Kaoru continues to eat while Kojiro chuckles at his reaction. "Whenever you wanna learn a new recipe you know where to find me."

"Oh, and you can keep the apron if you like it that much." Kaoru blushes in embarrassment as he forgot he was wearing it. 

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