Who is She? - Angst/Fluff Part 1

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Oooowweeee hello hello. Season 2 got announced not too long ago so I gotta get back on the grind and write about my boys. 

"Oh right, sorry guys. I won't be able to make it to S tonight." Joe says to the group in front of them that included, Langa, Reki, Miya, Shadow, and Cherry as he hands them their meals. Miya and Shadow are already chowing down on their food while Langa takes his time to enjoy the taste. Reki and Cherry look up but Reki is the first to speak. "Huh, why not?" Joe scratches the back of his head and smiles awkwardly. "I sorta have plans." "I won't be surprised if it was a date," Miya says with his mouth full and his eyes closed. "Hey, kid! I'll let you know it's not, and don't talk with your mouth full." Joe points at Miya. Shadow chimes in, "I mean you did sound a bit defensive right now." Miya laughs. "He so did." Joe groans and blushes out of embarrassment as Miya and Shadow continue to laugh." Cherry sighs, "Well then? What is the reason you cannot attend S." Joe clicks his tongue. "Damn, you guys are so nosy. Just eat your food and get outta here." Joe turns around and walks away from the table into the kitchen. Cherry watches as Joe leaves and starts to frown. He's never gotten upset so quickly. Maybe it is a date? Reki bumps Cherry on the shoulder. "You alright, Cherry? You look troubled." Cherry nods his head and smiles softly, "Yeah, I'm alright." Miya and Shadow continue to bicker in the background. "He's sad he won't see his hubby tonight." "Ahaha they are like a married couple, an old married couple." Cherry blushes and clenches his fist. He stands up and points to the pair. "WE ARE NOTHING LIKE THAT!" Cherry sits back down and rests his chin on his hand as he mumbles quietly. "I don't even feel that way towards him."

Next day

Reki bursts into the restaurant with Langa. "Guys let's go to the beach this weekend!" Miya is sitting on the couch in the corner, playing video games and Shadow is sitting next to him. "Sound fun. I'm in." "Count me in." Reki looks around the restaurant. "Huh? Where's Cherry?" Joe comes out of the kitchen, drying his hands with a towel. "He's working. Us adults actually have jobs and are busy. He can't be here every day." Reki and Langa take a seat. "Oop, Let me give him a call and ask." Miya pulls out his phone and is already calling Cherry. Joe looks at Miya, confused. "Huh? How do you have Cherry's contact." Miya giggles. "I have my ways. I also have all of your guy's numbers." Langa shivers. "Scary." Miya laughs again and he hears Kaoru answer the phone with a sigh. "What do you want, Miya? I'm busy with a commission." "Hey, mom!" Miya smiles widely. "If you're not quick enough with what you want, I'm hanging up." Miya gasps "Wait wait, I wanted to ask if you are free this weekend." "This weekend huh?" Cherry checks his schedule. "I should be done with this commission by late tonight and it's my last one for the week, so yes I'll be free. Why is that?" "Well me and the others are going to the beach and we want you to tag along." Cherry leans and stretched his back, "I have nothing better to do so yes I can join." "Can't wait! See you then!" Before Miya is about to hang up, Cherry asks a question with hesitation lingering in his voice. "Will Joe be there?" Miya looks over at Joe who raises his eyebrow in return. "I don't know, I haven't asked him yet." Few seconds of silence."Oh okay. Well then if that's it, I need to get back to work." "Alright, bye mom!" "Goodbye, Miya." Miya hangs up and turns to Joe. "Cherry said he can go with us. Joe, are you coming with us?" Joe thinks a bit and looks at Reki. "This weekend?" Reki nods his head. "Sorry guys, I can't do this weekend," Joe says with an apologetic smile. "Bro, what's gotten you so busy nowadays?" Shadow asks. "Well-" Miya interrupts Joe, "Seems like you're finally in a committed relationship." Joe sighs, "Guys I told you before, I'm not in any sort of relationship." Miya rolls his eyes. "Mhmm say that to Cherry."

Days continue to pass by with Joe not being able to attend S or hang out with the group. Ever since this Cherry has become quieter and has had fewer fights with Joe. Their conversations always ended so quickly and both would continue to do their own thing. One night, Joe finally showed up at S but he wasn't by himself. A beautiful young woman with olive skin and dark brown hair is seen by his side, holding onto his arm. Joe is surrounded by many people and they are excited to see him after a few days. Being the center of attention, he didn't notice Cherry walking through the entrance. Cherry's eyes immediately shoot over to the commotion and spot Joe with a woman. Cherry squints his eyes and see's how close the two are and how happy they look together. The emotion in their eyes when looking at each other. It's definitely love. Who is she?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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