Not In Public - Lime

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Request - @Un_Profilo_inutile

"Those guys are late." Joe states as he and Cherry hop in the thermal spa. "Maybe they came across a curse or something." He chuckles. Cherry sighs. "This is absurd. You were always fond of haunted houses and stuff." Joe smirks. " Chicks get scared and grab onto me." "You really are a scumbag," Cherry says as he rolls his eyes.

While Cherry and Joe wait for the others to get to the spa, Cherry hears a noise in one of the nearby bushes. His head snaps to where the sound was made. "What was that?" He whispers to himself. A rabbit jumps out of the bush and Cherry shrieks as he clings onto Joe's arm. "Woah woah what's going on?" Joe asks as he looks at Cherry's terrified face sighs in relief. "Ahem, it's nothing." As Cherry was about to let go of Joe's arm, Joe wraps his arm around Cherry's shoulders and brings his body close to his own. Cherry tries to get away. "Kojiro what are you doing?!" "Is The Cherry Blossom afraid of ghosts?" Joe whispers in Cherry's ear and teases him. Cherry's face flushes red. "Shut up you miserable gorilla, I am not afraid of those stupid ghosts." "Sure you're not." Joe continues to tease Cherry. After a few insults the two threw at each other they soon started fighting.

Somehow Cherry found himself on Joe's lap as Joe's hands are wrapped tightly around his waist. "Kojiro let go of me. The others will be here soon." Joe replies with his grip tightening. Joe starts to massage Cherry's waist. Cherry lets out a soft moan which causes them both to give each other shocked looks and Cherry covering his mouth. "Kojiro seriously let go of me," Cherry says once again. "Not happening four eyes. I wanna hear that cute moan again."

Joe kisses Cherry's neck and leaves small hickeys on Cherrys pale neck. "Not in public you horny gorilla." Cherry bites his bottom lip to prevent any sound from coming out. Joe moves from Cherry's neck to his soft pink lips and kisses him roughly. Cherry's attempt to keep quiet failed as he enjoys the feeling of Joe's lips against his own. Cherry kisses Joe back and buries his hands in Joe's hair pulling at it softly. Cherry pulls away from the kiss and arches his back as he feels Joe thrust upwards and grinds their hard-ons together. After a few minutes of them enjoying themselves, Cherry hides his head in Joe's neck. "Kojiro I'm close." "Me too babe." Hearing Joe calling Cherry 'babe' made him blush but he also smiled upon hearing those words.

Voices could be heard in the distance but Joe and Cherry were too distracted. They didn't notice that the voices were coming closer to them. "Yo Joe, Cherry are you guys here?" Cherry and Joe both stopped as they heard Reki's voice and multiple footsteps. Cherry immediately jumped off Joe's lap. They were lucky that the steam was around them. They went back to the spots where they were sitting before and Joe waves to the other. "Yeah, we're over here."

The rest of the gang join them in the spa. "Sorry we're late, we kinda got lost." Langa apologies. "Don't worry about it." Joe chuckles. "Hey, why is Cherry so quiet?" Shadow raises his eyebrows. "Ugh did you guys get in a fight again?" Miya sighs. Joe scratches the back of his head. "Something like that." "You guys should really get along." Miya sinks down in the spa.

Cherry and Joe look at each other and immediately look away with blushes spread across their cheeks. "Yeah right."

Matchablossom (Joe x Cherry) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now