At Least You're Happy Part 2

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Request - @taylor_Wayland

Days have past and Joe hasn't been at school nor left his house. At first Kaoru didn't notice because his mind was only focused on his boyfriend, Adam. One day Adam and Kaoru went on a date and they passed Kojiro's house. "Is it just me or has Kojiro not been at school?" Kaoru asks Adam. "Eh it's probably just you." Kaoru shrugs his shoulders and they continue on with their date.

Kojiro has not left his house in almost a week. He finally felt like it was time to outside and get some fresh air. Also to go to school and catch up on his work. When Kojiro went outside he took a deep breath of fresh air. He felt calm. He went back inside his house, grabbed his skateboard and made his way to the skatepark. Maybe skating would take my mind off things.

When Kojiro got to the skatepark he expected no one to be there since kids would still be in school around this time but instead he saw Kaoru. "Kojiro!" Just as Kojiro was about to make a run for it, Kaoru called out his name and ran towards him. "Oh uh hey Kaoru. Long time no see." Kojiro laughs nervously as he scratches the back of his head. "Where have you been? Are you okay? You're not hurt are you??" Kaoru blurted out. "No no I'm fine." "So why haven't I seen you in days?" Kojiro looks away and thinks of how to answer him. "Well I've been trying out new tricks on my skateboard." Kaoru stares at Kojiro. "Kojiro I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Every day I come here hoping I would see you. So please tell me what's going on with you Kojiro." Kojiro see's the concern in Kaoru's eyes. He looks away once again. "It's nothing. It's not that important." "Koji-"

"So this is where you guys have been." Adam interrupts Kaoru as he walks towards the two. "Oh hey Adam. Why are you out of school" Kaoru says. "I could ask you the same." Adam chuckles and wraps his arm around Kaoru's shoulder and kisses his cheek. Kaoru blushes and giggles. Kojiro watches them as he tries not to show his anger. "Kojiro" He looks up at Adam. "Lets skate." Adam smiles genuinely. Kojiro can't help but smile back.

They all skated together like how they used to. Kojiro enjoyed his time with Adam and Kaoru. He even forgot about why he was so upset the past few days. Adam was acting strange. The whole time they skated, Kojiro felt like Adam wanted to say something. But he didn't. Kojiro shrugged off the feeling and kept skating.

Soon it was night and the trio parted ways. Kojiro was happy. Maybe them being together isn't so bad afterall.

Do you guys want a part 3?

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