Cherry's An Ex-Ice Skater!? - Fluff

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Request - Cherrykinnie

"Joe hand over the phone." "Shut it, you kids." This is what Cherry could hear over the phone. He rubs his eyes as he has just woken up. "What is it Kojiro?" Joe laughs nervously. "Well, today is your day off right?" Cherry sits up and raises his eyebrow. "Yes, wh-" "Will you come ice skating with us?." Cherry gets cut off by Reki screaming into the phone. "Ice skating?." Cherry thinks about it for a while, remembering his days on the ice. "I guess I have nothing better to do." "Alright!" Everyone over the phone shouted in excitement. Joe laughs, "We'll pick you up in a few minutes. See you soon." They hang up and Cherry gets out of bed. He does his morning routine and waits for the others.

A few minutes later Cherry hears a knock on his front door. He opens it to see Joe and Miya. "Are you ready?" Miya says with a wide smile. Cherry nods and smiles at him. He locks his door and they get in the car and head off to the skating rink.

Once the car has been parked, they all head inside the building and rent their ice skates. Cherry was going to sit on the bench and watch the others have fun but what he didn't realize was that Joe has rented an extra pair of skates for him. "I can't wait to get on the ice," Reki says excitedly as he grabs Langa by the hand and they make their way onto the ice. Miya and Shadow laugh as they follow them. Just as Joe was about to join he looks over to Cherry to see he has taken a seat. "Aren't you going to us?" Cherry shakes his head. "I'd rather sit here and keep watch." "Whatever four-eyes." Joe rolls his eyes and sets down a pair of ice skates next to Cherry. "What the-" "Just in case." Joe winks then heads off to the others. "You're such an idiot," Cherry mumbles but smiles softly.

Cherry couldn't help but smile as he saw the kids, Shadow and Joe having fun. He will sometimes let out a chuckle as they fall over. He was surprised to see that Joe wasn't having such a hard time. His balance was perfect. Cherry was so concentrated on Joes skating that he didn't realize Miya has skated over to him. "Mama." Cherry jumps a bit but soon relaxes and he notices Miya. "What's wrong Miya." "You should come join us." Cherry smiles and ruffles Miya's hair. "Thank you for the offer but I believe it is best for me to stay put." Miya pouts. "Pleeaasee. Come on, it'll be much more fun with you." Miya wouldn't stop begging until Cherry finally agreed to join them. Miya jumps in joy and skates towards the other to tell them.

Cherry sighs as he puts on the ice skates from Joe. As he was about to enter the ice rink he looks over to the group to see them waving him over. He looks down at the ice as he slowly puts his foot down onto it. Once both of his feet are on the ice, his eyes sparkle. He missed the feeling. He looks up and slowly skates towards the group, enjoying the feeling of being back on the ice. "Look who decided to show up," Joe smirks. "Be quiet gorilla." Suddenly an idea pops in Langa's head. "Oh, why don't we have a race around the rink." "That's a great idea, Langa." Reki smiles. The rest agree and they all get ready.

"3... 2 ... 1!" The race has started with Cherry leading, Joe behind him, and Langa and Miya helping Reki and Shadow to make sure they don't fall. Cherry didn't care about the race. He was just happy to be ice skating again. Ice skating was like walking to him. Cherry didn't realize that he had a huge grin on. Joe saw this and smiled wide as he wraps his arm around Cherry's shoulders. "Having fun there Kaoru?" Cherry tries to hide his smile behind his scowl but Joe can see the joy in his eyes. 

After the race with Cherry winning they were all out of breath and took a break. Well, except for Cherry. He carried on ice skating. "How is he so good?" Shadow asks in disbelief. Joe laughs and the group looks at him. Langa asks, "What's so funny?" Joe watches as Cherry skates gracefully. "He used to be an ice skater." "WHAT!?" The screams of shock have made Cherry jump and lose his footing. He looks over to where the noise came from and he sees the shocked looks from everyone in their group. Cherry sighs deeply and shakes his head. He told them, didn't he?

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