At Least You're Happy - Angst

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Story takes place in the past

"Come on Kojiro, we're gonna be late," Kaoru says as he skates in front of Kojiro. "Yea yea I'm right behind you." They make it to the skate park where they're meant to meet up with Adam. They see Adam skating on a ramp doing insane tricks. "He's so cool," Kaoru whispers as his eyes sparkle while watching Adam. Kojiro hears this but just smiles softly and agrees with him.

Adam finishes off his skating and Kaoru runs towards him and Kojiro follows. "Adam!" Kaoru waves to Adam. "Hey, guys. When did you get here I didn't notice you two." "We just got here," Kojiro replies with a smile. "Well now that you're both here, let's do some skating," Adam says and Kaoru giggles cutely. "Let's go then!" He starts skating off. Adam and Kojiro smile at each other and laugh as they follow after Kaoru. He's so cute. They both thought.

After a few hours of showing off the new tricks they've learned, skating away from the police and just enjoying their time together they came to a stop to catch their breaths. "Oh my god that was so hectic, I love it," Kaoru says as he high five Kojiro.

Adam was looking up at the moon until he heard a shriek and because of his quick reflexes he turns around to see that Kaoru is about to hit the group but before he could Adam catches him and holds him close to his chest. Kaoru looks up at Adam and his face is covered in a blush as Adam looks down and makes eye contact. "Be more careful next time." He smirks and lets go of Kaoru. Kaoru's blush gets darker and he nods looking away.

Soon it was time for the three friends to go their separate ways and head home. Adam offered to walk Kaoru home and of course, Kaoru accepted the offer. "Wanna come with us Kojiro?" Asks Adam. "Nah it's fine I'm feeling a bit tired." "Alright man be safe on your way home." Adam pats his back and starts walking off with Kaoru. What they didn't know that Kojiro was lying. He wasn't actually tired. He wanted to follow Adam and Kaoru since he had a feeling that they were a bit too close.

When Adam and Kaoru made it to Kaoru's house with Kojiro hiding but close enough to hear their conversation. "Thanks for walking me home Adam." Kaoru smiles with a soft blush. "Heh just wanted to make sure my cutie is safe," Adam smirks. "Cutie!? W-what are you talking about?" Kaoru looks down to the ground but his head was lifted by Adam's hand. Before Kaoru could ask him what he's doing, Adam kisses Kaoru softly. Kaoru tensed up at first but soon returned the kiss. They pulled away from the kiss and Kaoru was a blushing mess and was panting slightly. Adam chuckled and brushed Kaoru's hair behind his ear.

Kojiro witnessed what just happened and he wish he didn't. He felt his heart crack. Tears were threatening to leave his eyes. He always knew Kaoru was into Adam but hoped that if he confessed first that he would have a chance. But that chance was taken away. He didn't want to see or hear what would happen next, he turned around and made his way home.

When he got home he went straight to his room and he couldn't hold his emotions back anymore. Tears streaming down his face. He sat on the ground and started grabbing at his hair. "Why do I feel so upset? Kaoru seems happy with him. I should be happy for him. But why don't I feel that way?" Kojiro stayed quiet for a few minutes and laid down on the ground. He closed his eyes hoping that everything he saw was just a bad dream.

Even if it's not a dream. At least you're happy Kaoru. That's all that matters. 

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