Chapter 7

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The sun has come up and things are done for the night. I took the boys for drinks and a steak dinner at Graces, one of the best restraints in the city that stays open twenty-four hours a day for clientele like myself that work round the clock.

The limo Victor insists I use is pulling up to the grand staircase to the house. I don't see why I have so many cars if I can't use them.

The door opens. I'm getting out when I am greeted with party poppers and streamers in the face.

"What is going on?" I ask.

My mother is the first to explode, "Loralie is pregnant!"

I look at her, stunned. I don't know if I am excited or terrified. This is what they all wanted after all. This is a good thing, right? I have wanted this to save her. I know now she is pregnant they wouldn't dare lay a hand on her, right? I look for Loralie. It is the day she comes back for our week, but I don't see her.

"Where is Loralie?" I ask, still searching for her.

"Oh, Alex don't you mind about that. She needs check-ups and all those things. It is normal. What you need to focus on is the celebration we will be throwing here tonight."

I scowl at her. "I don't give a damn about parties. I want to see my wife!"

She ignores me completely, wrapped up in her party planning.

I don't know how the demon woman did it but the entire house is a full-blown party within the hour. I have finally made it around the room where Loralie is being manhandled by idiots talking to her flat stomach.

God, I hope they are drunk. It is going to be even worse if they are not and this is going to be a regular thing.

Loralie takes one look at me and makes a beeline for me but is intercepted. Fuck, this is getting ridiculous. Mr. Nakamura intercepts me at the same time.

"Good evening," I say, giving him a light bow as he does the same. I have always loved talking with Mr. Nakamura. He always exudes confidence, pride and power but he's always been kind and I find, very educational.

His English is perfect and he loves to talk about Japan and the differences between Japan and the rest of the world.

"One of these days you must come back to Japan. We would be honoured to have you again. We have had some issues I think your talents would solve for us."

"As always, it would be my honour, but I can't say when I will have a chance yet as I will be integrating us with my lovely new bride's family."

"I understand. These transitional times are most difficult."

"I will get onto it as soon as possible though and I'll make sure the best men for the job will be there."

His eyes shift to Bonney making her way through the crowd of people to me. "I better go. We will talk soon. Thank you for your time." He gives me a bow and I manage to give a nod before he's gone.

He has never said it but I get the feeling he knows Bonney hates being around him. I wouldn't say that he doesn't like her but I feel he doesn't go out of his way to make her feel uncomfortable, just another thing I respect him for.

"What did he want?"

"Just discussing a new job he wants us to handle."

"Ugh, filthy things all need a bomb dropped on them," Bonney says, stirring a toothpick with a green olive on the end around a glass or what smells like vodka.

I frown a little. "I happen to like Japan very much and I find the food, culture and people far more agreeable than the ones here."

Bonney shoots me a look. "Do as you please, but make sure the price is right. Also you won't be able to settle this one as you will be on your honeymoon. I'll talk to Victor about taking the job."

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